Stevick v. Monsanto
Federal court Order of delay due to settlement talks.pdf (02.07.20)
Stevick order Nov 6, 2019.pdf (11.06.19)
Stevick Letter Brief re husband cancer diagnosis.pdf (10.29.19)
Stevick-v.-Monsanto.pdf (05.20.19)
Edwin Hardeman v. Monsanto
Hardeman-monetary-award.pdf (08.26.21)
9th-circuit-appeals-court-ruling-on-Hardeman-v-Monsanto.pdf (05.14.21)
65-Hardeman-CFS-amicus-brief.pdf (03.23.20)
EPA amicus brief supporting Monsanto in Hardeman appeal.pdf (12.20.19)
Hardeman appeal by Monsanto.pdf (12.17.19)
Monsanto-consultants-discuss-dismissing-Seralinis-study-as-junk-science.pdf (08.18.19)
Judge’s amended order on Hardeman damages.pdf (07.17.19)
Judge ruling on Hardeman damages.pdf (07.15.19)
new trial denied.pdf (07.12.19)
Pretrial-order-re-Motions-to-Dismiss-and-other-matters.pdf (06.04.19)
Plaintiffs-slide-deck-closing-arguments-for-Hardeman-trial.pdf (06.04.19)
Plaintiffs-phase-2-opening-statement-Hardeman.pdf (06.04.19)
Monsanto files $100 million bond.pdf (06.03.19)
Monsanto motion for new trial of new judgment in Hardeman.pdf (06.03.19)
Sanctions ordered against attorney Jennifer Moore.pdf (05.21.19)
Bill of costs Hardeman trial.pdf (05.17.19)
Email Greim conflict of interest.pdf (04.25.19)
Memorandum in support of plaintiffs’ motion to remand to state court.pdf (04.23.19)
Hardeman attorney letter re Monsanto objection to jury verdict.pdf (04.18.19)
Michael Koch resume.pdf (04.15.19)
Monsanto’s objection to Hardeman judgment.pdf (04.15.19)
Aimee Wagstaff brief on order of sanctions and other lawyers.pdf (04.10.19)
Verdict Reached – Trial Transcript March 27, 2019.pdf (03.27.19)
Hardeman Jury Verdict Form Damages.pdf (03.27.19)
Trial Transcript March 26, 2019.pdf (03.26.19)
Phase 2 Jury Instructions.pdf (03.26.19)
Transcript-deposition-of-Monsanto-employee-Sam-Murphey.pdf (03.25.19)
Trial Transcript March 25, 2019.pdf (03.25.19)
Final phase 2 verdict form.pdf (03.25.19)
Roundup-FTO-slide-deck.pdf (03.25.19)
Portion of video deposition of William Reeves.pdf (03.25.19)
Portions of video deposition of Michael Koch.pdf (03.25.19)
Portion of video deposition of Donna Farmer.pdf (03.25.19)
Plaintiff arguing why Seralini evidence should be admitted.pdf (03.25.19)
Larry Kier testimony transcript.pdf (03.25.19)
Sam Murphey testimony transcript.pdf (03.25.19)
Hugh Grant testimony February 4, 2019.pdf (03.25.19)
Monsanto’s proposed jury instruction and verdict form.pdf (03.23.19)
Trial Transcript March 22, 2019.pdf (03.22.19)
Plaintiff’s remaining witnesses for phase 2.pdf (03.22.19)
Trial Transcript March 20, 2019.pdf (03.20.19)
Hardeman Jury Verdict Phase 1.pdf (03.19.19)
Trial Transcript The Verdict March 19, 2019.pdf (03.19.19)
Pretrial Order re design defect.pdf (03.18.19)
Pretrial order on deposition testimony of Monsanto’s Mark Martens.pdf (03.18.19)
Pretrial order regarding European information.pdf (03.18.19)
Trial Transcript March 18, 2019.pdf (03.18.19)
Plaintiff’s response to pretrial order on design defect argument.pdf (03.17.19)
Plaintiffs-Exhibit-Monsanto-email-string-1999-over-genotoxicity-concerns-and-formulated-product-testing.pdf (03.17.19)
Trial Transcript March 15, 2019.pdf (03.15.19)
Plaintiff’s response re pretrial order re scope of Benbrook testimony for phase 2.pdf (03.14.19)
Expert Report of Monsanto witness Connie Welch-DuJardin.pdf (03.14.19)
Monsanto letter re design defect issues for second phase of trial.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto emails discussion defending tallowamine.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff letter brief re design defect issue of formulated product.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff notice of withdrawal of Chuck Benbrook as expert witness.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff’s proposed Phase 2 verdict form.pdf (03.14.19)
Plantiff’s proposed Phase 2 jury instructions.pdf (03.14.19)
Monsanto proposed Phase 2 jury instructions.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto emails re letters to the editor over Seralini study.pdf (03.14.19)
Pretrial Order re opening statements for Phase 2.pdf (03.14.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto emails re Wallace Hayes and Seralini study.pdf (03.14.19)
Trial Transcipt March 14, 2019.pdf (03.14.19)
Trial Transcipt March 14, 2019.pdf (03.14.19)
Heydens issues with glyphosate.pdf (03.13.19)
Order denying Monsanto’s motion for directed verdict.pdf (03.13.19)
Pretrial Order re testimony of plaintiff expert witness Chuck Benbrook.pdf (03.13.19)
Pretrial Order re testimony of plaintiff expert witness Chuck Benbrook.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s motion for reconsideration of testmony re Seralini study.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto email re Seralini and actions.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto internal email string celebrating Seralini attack.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto employee David Saltmiras discussion of goals & accomplishments FY 2013.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Monsanto and CropLife emails re Seralini study retraction.pdf (03.13.19)
Plaintiff’s exhibit – Wallace Hayes consulting agreement.pdf (03.13.19)
Seralini republished rat study.pdf (03.13.19)
Pretrial order re Phase 2 evidence.pdf (03.13.19)
Pretrial order re Phase 2 evidence.pdf (03.13.19)
Final verdict form.pdf (03.12.19)
Final jury instructions.pdf (03.12.19)
Monsanto’s motion for directed verdict.pdf (03.12.19)
Trial Transcript for March 12, 2019.pdf (03.12.19)
Judge order on final jury instructions.pdf (03.11.19)
Plaintiff’s opposition to jury instructions.pdf (03.11.19)
Judge’s initial planned jury instruction.pdf (03.11.19)
Trial-Transcript-March-11-2019.pdf (03.11.19)
Additional deposition designations for Phase II witnesses.pdf (03.10.19)
William Reeves testimony transcript.pdf (03.08.19)
Trial Transcript March 8, 2019.pdf (03.08.19)
Deposition designations for Phase II witnesses.pdf (03.08.19)
Judge’s order denying Monsanto motion for summary judgment.pdf (03.07.19)
Judge’s ruling regarding Monsanto’s expert witness Arber testimony re hepatitis C.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto letter brief re request to allow specific testimony from expert Arber.pdf (03.07.19)
Plaintiff’s letter brief re Monsanto witness Arber testimony.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto-expert-report-by-Dr.-Daniel-Arber.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto-Exhibit-Journal-article-on-hepatisis-C-virus-infection-to-B-cell-lymphoma.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto-Exhibit-Journal-article-re-hepatisis-C-from-2004.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto-Exhibit-Journal-article-on-hepatisis-C-from-2006.pdf (03.07.19)
Plaintiff’s memorandum re standard for proving product liability design defect.pdf (03.07.19)
Pretrial order re instructions for jury for deliberations.pdf (03.07.19)
Monsanto memorandum re standard for providing product liability design defect.pdf (03.07.19)
Trial-Transcript-for-March-6-2019.pdf (03.06.19)
Monsanto letter brief on questions re its expert witnesses.pdf (03.05.19)
Plaintiff’s letter brief re Monsanto expert witnesses.pdf (03.05.19)
Trial Transcript March 5, 2019.pdf (03.05.19)
Letter brief – Plaintiffs want to present Parry report on genotoxicity details.pdf (03.04.19)
Monsanto response to plaintiff request to introduce IBT fraud evidence.pdf (03.04.19)
Trial Transcript March 4, 2019.pdf (03.04.19)
Plaintiff’s attorney non-waiver of right to appeal sanction.pdf (03.04.19)
Pretrial order re Weisenburger testimony.pdf (03.03.19)
Monsanto’s letter brief re Parry study.pdf (03.03.19)
Monsanto letter brief on Knezevich and Hogan study.pdf (03.03.19)
Parry report to Monsanto.pdf (03.03.19)
Plaintiff’s letter brief on Knezevich and Hogan study.pdf (03.03.19)
Trial Transcript March 1, 2019.pdf (03.01.19)
Deposition Designations for Monsanto scientist Donna Farmer.pdf (02.28.19)
Trial Transcript Day 3.pdf (02.27.19)
Plaintiff attorney response to order to show cause (02.26.19)
Order sanctioning Wagstaff.pdf (02.26.19)
Transcript of Trial Day 2.pdf (02.26.19)
Pre Trial Order 87 (02.25.19)
Trial Transcript Day 1.pdf (02.25.19)
Monsantos-Opening-Statement-Slide-Deck.pdf (02.25.19)
Plaintiffs-Opening-Statement-Slide-Deck.pdf (02.25.19)
Pretrial order on Motions in Limine.pdf (02.18.19)
Transcript of hearing Feb. 15, 2019.pdf (02.15.19)
Transcript of hearing Feb. 15, 2019.pdf (02.15.19)
Letter to court from plaintiff’s attorney re exposure issue.pdf (02.13.19)
Transcript of proceedings Feb. 13, 2019.pdf (02.13.19)
Tentative rulings on pre-trial motions.pdf (02.12.19)
Pretrial tentative ruling on Monsanto causation experts.pdf (02.11.19)
Transcript Feb 11 hearing.pdf (02.11.19)
Joint list of involved individuals for trial.pdf (02.08.19)
Joint statement of the case.pdf (02.07.19)
Joint exhibit list for trial.pdf (02.06.19)
Transcript of Feb. 4, 2019 hearing in front of judge Chhabria.pdf (02.04.19)
Monsanto’s list of exhibits presented at Daubert hearing.pdf (02.02.19)
Donna Farmer deposition re surfactants.pdf (02.01.19)
Statements from Judge Bolanos Aug. 6, 2018.pdf (02.01.19)
EPA letter regarding its oversight December 2018.pdf (02.01.19)
Monsanto’s reply in support of motion for summary judgment and exclusion of witnesses.pdf (02.01.19)
Monsanto’s response to plaintiff’s motion to limit evidence of lawyer advertising.pdf (01.31.19)
Plaintiff’s motion to limit evidence of attorney advertising.pdf (01.31.19)
Monsanto selections from deposition of William Heydens.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude Seralini study as evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude its lobbying activity as evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude IARC classification of glyphosate as evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Joint pretrial conference statement.pdf (01.30.19)
Stipulation regarding collateral source evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude evidence of glyphosate in breast milk and food.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude Copley letter, Whitewash, magic tumor and other evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Plaintiffs motion to exclude from evidence unrelated medical history.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude adverse health reports evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude evidence of California Prop 65.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude evidence of its corporate conduct after plaintiffs’ use.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude evidence of PR activities.pdf (01.30.19)
Pretrial order on initial evidentiary submissions AHS, Parry and other.pdf (01.30.19)
Motion to exclude mentions of other litigation.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude comparisons to tobacco industry and other evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Plaintiffs motion to exclude from evidence health insurance information.pdf (01.30.19)
Plaintiffs motion to exclude evidence about foreign regulatory actions.pdf (01.30.19)
Transcript Jan. 28, 2019 hearing in front of Judge Chhabria.pdf (01.28.19)
List of individuals for Daubert and summary judgment hearing.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto responses to plaintiff request for admissions.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto 2004 product goals.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto-confidential-glyphosate-activities-slide-show.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto emails re scientific outreach network.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto May 2015 emails re post-IARC plan.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto 2012 internal report planning for future product defense.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto 2000 email thread on surfactants.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto 1999 email thread re Parry and testing.pdf (01.25.19)
2015 texts on glyphosate.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto brief re substantial factor test and causation.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto emails re Jess should get a medal.pdf (01.25.19)
Partial deposition of Edwin Hardeman.pdf (01.25.19)
Pretrial Order for list of people involved in trial.pdf (01.17.19)
Report-of-Dr-Michael-Grossbard.pdf (01.14.19)
Deposition of Dennis Weisenburger Dec. 20, 2018.pdf (01.11.19)
Plaintiffs-amended-notice-of-taking-deposition-of-Exponent.pdf (01.09.19)
Pretrial-order-Deadlines-for-Bellwether-Trial.pdf (01.08.19)
Juror questionairre for Hardeman trial.pdf (01.04.19)
Edwin Hardeman 1st amended complaint Feb. 2016 (12.12.18)
Hardeman hearing from April 2016.pdf (04.08.16)
General MDL Documents
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California: 660 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation (MDL) under Judge Vince Chhabria.The lead case is3:16-md-02741-VC.
Class-action-3rd-amended-complaint-Nov.-30-2021.pdf (11.30.21)
Holdback-order.pdf (06.22.21)
Pre-trial-order-setting-questions-for-hearing-on-class-settlement-proposal.pdf (05.18.21)
Beasley-Allen-withdraws-objections-to-proposed-class-action-settlement.pdf (05.18.21)
Pretrial-order-regarding-May-19-2021-hearing.pdf (05.10.21)
Smoger-opposition-to-proposed-settlement.pdf (05.03.21)
Objections-to-proposed-class-action-settlement-Gee-et-al.pdf (05.03.21)
Supplemental-Brief-of-93-Law-Firms-and-167-Lawyers-as-Amici-Curiae-in-Opposition-to-Amended-Proposed-Settlement-Agreement.pdf (04.30.21)
Preliminary-plan-for-legal-services-for-future-settlement-plan.pdf (04.27.21)
John-Carson-Complaint.pdf (04.23.21)
April-22-letter-from-Andrus-Wagstaff-to-US-Court-of-Appeals.pdf (04.22.21)
lawyer-alleging-fraud-in-Roundup-case-Carson-v-Monsanto.pdf (04.22.21)
Email-between-lawyers-re-settlement-appeal-provision.pdf (04.22.21)
Motion-to-Strike-Declarations-of-Four-Law-Professors-by-Objecting-Class-Members.pdf (04.13.21)
Reply-brief-of-proponents-of-class-action-settlement-proposal.pdf (04.07.21)
Motion-for-more-time-to-file-reply-in-proposed-class-settlement.pdf (03.30.21)
Kabat-paper-on-glyphosate.pdf (03.29.21)
Monsanto-motion-to-depose-Chris-Portier-and-exclude-his-testimony.pdf (03.29.21)
New-study-Exposure-to-glyphosate-and-risk-of-NHL.pdf (03.29.21)
Crump-paper-on-glyphosate-analysis.pdf (03.29.21)
Excerpts-from-depositon-of-Chris-Portier.pdf (03.29.21)
2021-Expert-report-Chris-Portier-1.pdf (03.29.21)
New-study-Exposure-to-glyphosate-and-risk-of-NHL.pdf (03.29.21)
Schafer-diagnosis-by-Sawyer-1.pdf (03.29.21)
Cervantes-case-list-of-expert-witnesses.pdf (03.19.21)
EPA-Proposed-interim-registration-review-decision-glyphosate.pdf (03.19.21)
Testimony-re-ethylene-oxide-in-Roundup.pdf (03.19.21)
James-Peterson-diagnosis-by-Sawyer.pdf (03.19.21)
Excerpts-of-2018-Charles-Benbrook-deposition.pdf (03.19.21)
Gerard-Cervantes-diagnosis-by-Sawyer.pdf (03.19.21)
Randall-Seidl-diagnosis-by-Sawyer.pdf (03.19.21)
Order Resetting Prelim Approval Hearing.pdf (03.09.21)
death-of-Carolina-Garces.pdf (03.08.21)
National-Trial-Lawyers-oppose-class-settlement.pdf (03.08.21)
Brief-in-opposition-to-motion-for-preliminary-approval-of-proposed-class-action-settlement-by-class-members.pdf (03.08.21)
Lawyers-supporters-Bayer-proposed-class-settlement-seek-more-time-to-reply-to-opposition.pdf (03.07.21)
List-of-law-firms-opposed-to-Bayer-proposed-class-settlement-1.pdf (03.05.21)
List-of-167-lawyers-opposed-to-Bayer-proposed-class-settlement-1.pdf (03.05.21)
Opposition-of-93-law-firms-to-Bayer-proposed-class-settlement.pdf (03.05.21)
Declaration-of-Gerson-Smoger.pdf (03.04.21)
Declaration-of-scientist-George-Rodgers.pdf (03.04.21)
Declaration of lawyer Stephen Herman (03.04.21)
Transcript of March 3, 2021 Zoom proceedings in MDL (03.03.21)
Request-for-preference-trial-for-Joseph-Mignone.pdf (02.19.21)
letter from David Diamond.pdf (10.01.20)
Order re redacted letter.pdf (09.22.20)
Letter from Wagstaff to court re Bayer settlement.pdf (09.22.20)
case management plan re settlement.pdf (09.17.20)
Wagstaff notice to court of final settlement.pdf (09.14.20)
Wagstaff Letter.pdf (09.14.20)
Moore Group executes final deal with Bayer.pdf (09.14.20)
Baum Hedlund tells court it has final deal with Bayer.pdf (09.14.20)
Death-certificate-of-plaintiff.pdf (09.09.20)
Amended complaint upon death of plaintiff Marie Dinner.pdf (09.09.20)
Conditional transfer order September 4, 2020.pdf (09.04.20)
Motion to appoint Interim Class Counsel for Medical Monitoring Class.pdf (08.24.20)
Declaration of Professor Silver on adequacy of representation.pdf (08.24.20)
Proposed order granting Sheller’s motion to appoint interim class counsel for medical monitoring class.pdf (08.24.20)
Notice of motion to withdraw class action settlement plan.pdf (07.08.20)
Judge Chhabria order on class action settlement hearing.pdf (07.06.20)
Opposition filing to Bayer proposed class action settlement.pdf (07.05.20)
Motion for extension of time to respond and opposition to proposed class settlement plan.pdf (07.02.20)
Declaration explaining how class settlement was put together.pdf (06.25.20)
Motion for judge to accept class action and science panel.pdf (06.25.20)
First Amended Class Action Complaint against Monsanto Company (06.24.20)
Conditional Transfer Order June 8, 2020.pdf (06.08.20)
Notification of death.pdf (06.01.20)
Court order re farmers seeking medical monitoring.pdf (04.27.20)
Conditional Transfer Order April 24, 2020.pdf (04.24.20)
Conditional Transfer Order Feb. 20, 2020.pdf (02.20.20)
Federal court Order of delay due to settlement talks.pdf (02.07.20)
Chhabria’s warning on settlement gag order.pdf (01.21.20)
Conditional Transfer Order Dec 30, 2019.pdf (12.30.19)
Monsanto emails with Genetic Literacy Project re MD posting on breast milk.pdf (12.28.19)
Ron Kleinman emails collaborating with Monsanto.pdf (12.26.19)
Monsanto’s scientist Heydens gets Seralini paper rejected.pdf (12.25.19)
Monsanto working with Val Giddings and others to respond to IARC on glyphosate.pdf (12.20.19)
Monsanto letter written for third parties to send to OEHHA on glyphosate.pdf (12.18.19)
Independent Womens’ Forum Proposal to Monsanto.pdf (12.13.19)
Roundup bentgrass powerpoint.pdf (12.13.19)
Agricultural Council of California letter to OEHHA.pdf (12.11.19)
Caladvocates coordinated response to OEHHA on glyphosate.pdf (12.11.19)
Monsanto internal plan, issues management.pdf (12.05.19)
Monsanto Let Nothing Go 2015 update.pdf (12.04.19)
Monsanto internal 2008 worries over Seralini.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto issue alert Seralini discussion 2009.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto 2009 concerns re Seralini.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto to Wallace Hayes re Seralini republication.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto on Seralini 2013.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto drafting comments on Seralini.pdf (12.02.19)
Monsanto motion for summary judgment for Nebraska farmers.pdf (11.26.19)
Suggestion of Death.pdf (11.12.19)
Letter brief re dispute over new depositions of Portier and Benbrook.pdf (10.29.19)
Judge dismissal of multi-plaintiff complaints.pdf (10.28.19)
Conditional Transfer Order Oct. 24, 2019.pdf (10.24.19)
Dan Goldstein writes op-eds for doctors in response to IARC.pdf (08.22.19)
Monsanto-email-on-11-11-16-Agenda.pdf (08.18.19)
Draft-IARC-language-requesting-info-on-NIHs-support.pdf (08.18.19)
Letter-to-Senators-Murray-and-Alexander-on-IARC.pdf (08.18.19)
Current-Committee-Report-Language-on-IARC.pdf (08.18.19)
Email-from-Kristina-Moore-re-OGR-letter.pdf (08.18.19)
Letter-to-Collins-at-NIH-on-IARC.pdf (08.18.19)
Email-with-draft-of-Letter-on-Reuters-IARC-article.pdf (08.18.19)
Letter-to-Collins-at-NIH-on-Reuters-IARC-article.pdf (08.18.19)
Kristina-Moore-email-re-agenda-for-9-21-16.pdf (08.18.19)
Email-from-Drew-Feeley-re-defunding-IARC.pdf (08.18.19)
Letters-to-Gina-McCarthy-at-EPA-and-others-re-IARC.pdf (08.18.19)
Eva-Novotny-paper-on-corruption-behind-Seralini-retraction.pdf (08.18.19)
Goldstein-email-re-Seralini-presentation.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-presentation-on-Seralini.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-consultants-discuss-dismissing-Seralinis-study-as-junk-science.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-publication-of-Seralini-in-Biomed-Research-International.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-design-of-Seralini-study.pdf (08.18.19)
AgBioChatter-email-on-Environmental-Health-Symposium.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-with-discussion-of-Seralinis-article-Glyphosate-and-Cell-Death.pdf (08.18.19)
Steve-Levines-written-notes-on-comments-re-Seralini-study-1.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-preparing-for-meeting-on-USRTK-FOIAs.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-confidential-plan-for-USRTK-FOIAs.pdf (08.18.19)
Strategy-for-dealing-with-Seeding-Fear-documentary.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-confidential-plan-on-Neil-Young-and-Farm-Aid.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-employees-discuss-Careys-FOIA-article-in-email.pdf (08.18.19)
Sam-Murphey-email-re-pushing-back-on-Carey-Gillam.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-FOIAs-and-AgBioChatter.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-with-draft-response-to-Carey-Gillam.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-confidential-plan-on-Carey-Gillams-book.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-Carey-Gillams-book.pdf (08.18.19)
Presentation-on-L-G-reputation-management.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-Le-Monde-article.pdf (08.18.19)
Fleishman-IARC-media-training.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-with-Fleishman-re-EU-countries.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-from-Heydens-re-Scientific-Outreach-Plan.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-Moms-Across-America-letter.pdf (08.18.19)
GMO-Answers-site-needs-for-Expert-Tab.pdf (08.18.19)
Folta-article-on-anti-GMO-activism-edited-by-Entine.pdf (08.18.19)
CropLife-Letter-from-Janet-Collins-to-Steven-Knott.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-Farmer-to-Armstrong.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto-email-re-arsenic.pdf (08.18.19)
Monsanto stakeholder engagement, payments to Pediatrics association.pdf (07.23.19)
Monsanto stakeholder engagement, payments to Pediatrics association.pdf (07.23.19)
Conditional Transfer Order July 15, 2019.pdf (07.15.19)
Conditional Transfer Order June 6, 2019.pdf (06.06.19)
Pretrial order tentative remand.pdf (05.21.19)
Conditional Transfer Order May 9, 2019.pdf (05.09.19)
Monsanto Emails about Intertek Agreements with Subcontractors (05.05.19)
Draft Manuscript Glyphosate Paper with Saltmiras’ Track Changes Show Him as Co-Author (05.05.19)
Attachment from Donna Farmer Email: Mladinic et al. Glyphosate Study (05.05.19)
Ghostwriting – Goldstein Asks if “We Have a Comment We Want Him to Make” (05.05.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto Provides Unsigned Letter for Cohen to Use for Prop 65 Decision (05.05.19)
Ghostwriting – Goldstein and Cohen Correspond Re: Letter on Prop 65 Decision (05.05.19)
Monsanto Email with Names for Indonesia International Speaker Request (05.05.19)
Email from Heyden about Draft Manuscript for Panel Report (05.05.19)
Heydens Comments on Chang and Delzell Draft (05.05.19)
Email from Heydens to Farmer Re: Comments on Chang and Delzell Draft (05.05.19)
Confidential Draft of Glyphosate Exposure Paper by Chang and Delzell (05.05.19)
Email from Exponent Scientist to Monsanto’s Farmer Re: Glyphosate Draft Manuscript (05.05.19)
Monsanto Email Re: Intertek Contracts (05.05.19)
Email from Panelist to Farmer and Heydens Discusses Draft Questions For Panel Re: IARC Report (05.05.19)
Monsanto Email with Intertek and Independent Experts from Glyphosate Panel Re: Press Release (05.05.19)
Heydens Email Attachment: Confidential List of Glyphosate Expert Panelists (05.05.19)
Email between Monsanto’s Heydens and Intertek on Forming Expert Panel (05.05.19)
Glyphosate Strategy Team Meeting PowerPoint Presentation (05.04.19)
Glyphosate Steering Team Meeting PowerPoint Presentation (05.04.19)
Monsanto Employees Edit PowerPoint Presentations (05.04.19)
Monsanto Email Re: Payment to Keith Solomon for Analysis of POEA (05.04.19)
Levine Discusses Opportunities to Build Global Glyphosate Network at SETAK Symposium (05.04.19)
Monsanto Draft Glyphosate Expert List (05.04.19)
Monsanto Email with Glyphosate Expert List Attached (05.04.19)
Monsanto Consultant Expresses Concerns About Liability Due to his Industry Connections (05.04.19)
Monsanto Email Shows Larry Kier Uncomfortable With Monsanto’s Soundbites and Summary of Paper (05.04.19)
Monsanto Backgrounder on Pro-Roundup Paper by Williams, Kroes and Munroe (05.04.19)
Saltmiras Email to Lemke Says He Should Have Been a Co-Author of Glyphosate Defense Paper (05.03.19)
Monsanto Email from Farmer Shows Saltmiras Collaborated with Former Gentox Expert on Publication (05.03.19)
Monsanto Manuscript Clearance Form Re: Glyphosate Carcinogenicity Evaluation (05.03.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto Employee Vicini Paper on Animal Performance Trends (05.03.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto Employee Vicini Prefers to Submit Paper as Ghostwriter for Faculty (05.03.19)
Monsanto Email in Which Saltmiras Explains to Authors of Glyphosate Paper That He Should Be Listed as Co-Author (05.03.19)
Saltmiras Obtained Permission from Management to Sign on as Co-Author per Monsanto Email (05.03.19)
Monsanto list of studies proving glyphosate safe.pdf (05.03.19)
Preparing for IARC FEbruary 2015.pdf (05.03.19)
Monsanto suggestions internally on science approach ahead of IARC.pdf (05.03.19)
ACSH – Monsanto reaches out to ACSH to prepare IARC response.pdf (05.03.19)
Seralini – Monsanto strategy for retraction of Seralini.pdf (05.03.19)
Email Re Day One AFter IARC and Media.pdf (05.03.19)
Talking Points Re IARC Classification of 2 4-D.pdf (05.03.19)
Monsanto discusses consequences of IARC, school districts, etc ..pdf (05.03.19)
Document-Summarizing-the-Consequences-of-an-IARC-2A-Classification (1).pdf (05.03.19)
Monsanto Action Team discussing defendng glyphosate and FTO -After Howard County concerns.pdf (05.03.19)
Monsanto CEO meeting with EPA to align on glyphosate safety.pdf (05.03.19)
Trial Transcript Pilliod April 30, 2019.pdf (04.30.19)
Dermal absorption – Monsanto 2011 email discussion.pdf (04.29.19)
Monsanto wants to block EPA scientific advisory panel on glyphosate.pdf (04.29.19)
Ghostwriting – Donna Farmer and Amy Williams Email Demonstrates Monsanto Ghostwrote Portions of Exponent Manuscript (04.29.19)
Draft CLA Letter to Journal Chemical Research in Toxicology with Edits by Monsanto Employees (04.29.19)
Edits made by Monsanto to Draft CLA Letter Defending Integrity of Industry Research (04.29.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto’s Healy Solicits Ghostwritten Comments from Saltmiras for Manuscript CBT0775 (04.29.19)
Ghostwriting – Email shows Goldstein and other Monsanto Employees Ghostwriting Contributions to Draft Glyphosate Paper (04.29.19)
ATSDR Monsanto Discussion of aligning ATSDR with EPA on glyphosate.pdf (04.29.19)
Email re Talking Points for Donna Farmer Appearance on The-Doctors.pdf (04.29.19)
Media- Preparing Donna Farmer with answers for The Doctors TV Show.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto discussion of how to promote Reuters Kate Kelland IARC article circulated by Red Flag.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto Scott Partridge email on Carey Gillam story about Kate Kelland Reuters IARC Story.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – email sharing article by David Zaruk criticizing Le Monde journalist Foucart.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto discusses plans with third parties to criticize Benbrook op-ed in New England Journal of Medicine.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto talking points October 2015.pdf (04.29.19)
Media- Let Nothing Go Monsanto and Political-Outreach in Europe.pdf (04.29.19)
Trial Transcript Pilliod April 29, 2019.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto 2011 Email re organizing third party response to Jeffrey Smith article.pdf (04.29.19)
Media – Monsanto talk of engaging Bruce Chassy for third-party response to Jeffrey Smith article.pdf (04.29.19)
2009-EPA-response-to-public-comments-on-glyphosate.pdf (04.29.19)
Monsanto money for ACSH and discussion of what ACSH does for Monsanto and glyphosate.pdf (04.26.19)
Media – Monsanto discussion of Carey Gillam Reuters 2011 article on cancer concerns about Roundup.pdf (04.26.19)
Ghostwriting- Kier writes that he doesn’t know who wrote the summary for his paper but doesn’t agree with it.pdf (04.26.19)
Monsanto consultant concerned about ramifications of affiliation with Monsanto.pdf (04.26.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto press release promoting Williams Kroes and Munro paper.pdf (04.26.19)
Email re David Saltmiras work on a 2013 genotox paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Internal 2013 discussion of publishing Greim Study for IARC consideration.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto Scientist John Vicini Contemplates Submitting Draft Manuscript as a Ghostwriter.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto email discussing if David Saltmiras can be added as author to Kier & Kirkland paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Discussing David Saltmiras as Co Author of Kier & Kirkland Paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto works with Henry Miller on article for Forbes to attack Seralini.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Draft of Henry Miller Forbes article on Seralini edited by Monsanto.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting- Monsanto’s David Saltmiras discussing edits to Kier and Kirkland paper 2012.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Todd Rands Update on IARC Senate Investigation.pdf (04.25.19)
Combatting Anti Glyphosate Campaign in Germany.pdf (04.25.19)
Email Greim conflict of interest.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto’s Eric Sachs to Peter Raven on Seralini retraction (04.25.19)
Monsanto email chain on Seralini (04.25.19)
Monsanto email string re glyphosate task force manuscript with David Saltmiras as consultant.pdf (04.25.19)
Pamela Mink seeks Monsanto edits and review for her paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto scientist Donna Farmer Edits Mink & Mandel Glyphosate Review Paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Draft Manuscript of Pamela Mink Paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Donna Farmer Edits on Mink and Mandel Paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Dan Goldstein and Donna Farmer Discuss Edits to Mink Paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Draft of Mandel and Mink Glyphosate Review Monsanto edits 2008.pdf (04.25.19)
Letter to Mae-Won Ho and Carol Stangel on surfactants (04.25.19)
Monsanto’s Donna Farmer email on allegation of Seralini smear campaign (04.25.19)
Monsanto email on Seralini vs. Fellous defamation case (04.25.19)
Monsanto happy about rejection of Seralini paper (04.25.19)
Edits to Draft Manuscript Review of the Aquatic Herbicides Aquamaster and Rodeo.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto 2005 criticism of Seralini article (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Re Glyphosate Toxicity Article.pdf (04.25.19)
Draft Manuscript Glyphosate Stewardship Epidemiology and Farm Family Exposure Study.pdf (04.25.19)
Email on Monsanto’s Freedom to Operate (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto wanting to give Roundup polo shirts to people involved in Williams publication.pdf (04.25.19)
Reviews of Hardell study and letter to the editor.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – William Heydens email on Cantox paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – William Heydens email on Cantox paper.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Re Hardell study.pdf (04.25.19)
Document-Summarizing-the-Consequences-of-an-IARC-2A-Classification.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto employees win award for defending glyphosate against IARC decision.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto employees win award for defending glyphosate against IARC decision.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto Email Discussing Participation in 2015 Toxicology Forum and countering IARC.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting- Monsanto email re trouble getting Williams et al 2000 published.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto’s CEO praises employees for publication of Williams Kroes & Munro-Study.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto’s William Heydens on maintaining/securing Freedom to Operate for surfactants (04.25.19)
Monsanto email on surfactant issues in Germany and Freedom to Operate (04.25.19)
Monsanto staff email on Freedom to Operate with FTO definition (04.25.19)
Monsanto staff email on Freedom to Operate with FTO definition
Emails on Roundup court case and Freedom to Operate communications plan (04.25.19)
Emails on Roundup court case and Freedom to Operate communications plan
Minutes from CropLife America meeting discussing problems with Agricultural Health Study (04.25.19)
Minutes from CropLife America meeting discussing problems with Agricultural Health Study
Email from Dow’s Carol Burns to various participants of CropLife America (04.25.19)
Email from Dow’s Carol Burns to various participants of CropLife America
Monsanto employees win award for defending glyphosate against IARC decision.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto 2016 email on aligning third party efforts against IARC.pdf (04.25.19)
Media – Monsanto email regarding Red Flag connection to Reuters Kate Kelland.pdf (04.25.19)
Monsanto drafting letters to Senate Ag Committee to come from third parties in defense of glyphosate.pdf (04.25.19)
Media – Reuters Kate Kelland sends draft of story to Monsanto.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting- Monsanto Email Between Heydens and Kier Re Glyphosate Genotox.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Emails 1999 re ghostwritten draft of Williams Kroes Munro glyphosate manuscript.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting William Heydens author of glyphosate manuscript 1999.pdf (04.25.19)
Draft William Kroes and Munro ghostwritten glyphosate safety manuscript.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto 1999 email Heydens discussing reviewing Williams Kroes Munro draft.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting- Monsanto’s draft of discussion of glyphosate re endocrine modulation.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – William Kroes and Munro – Heydens final draft.pdf (04.25.19)
Ghostwriting – Monsanto Email Congratulating scientists for their work on independent Williams Kroes & Munro article.pdf (04.25.19)
Memorandum in support of plaintiffs’ motion to remand to state court.pdf (04.23.19)
Plaintiffs’ April 23 notice of motion to remand to state court.pdf (04.23.19)
Order on Monsanto’s request for clarification re remand issue.pdf (04.23.19)
Conditional Transfer Order april 22, 2019.pdf (04.22.19)
Judge vacates Stevick trial, orders mediation.pdf (04.11.19)
Conditional Transfer Order April 1 2019.pdf (04.01.19)
Mark-Martens-Resume.pdf (04.01.19)
Pretrial Order re testimony of plaintiff expert witness Chuck Benbrook.pdf (03.13.19)
Pretrial Order re testimony of plaintiff expert witness Chuck Benbrook.pdf (03.13.19)
Conditional Transfer Order March 6, 2019.pdf (03.06.19)
Correspondence from Monsanto pursuing David Kirkland as a co-author for the glyphosate genetox publication to enhance credibility (02.16.19)
Transcript Feb 11 hearing.pdf (02.11.19)
Kelland Monsanto email.pdf (02.09.19)
Monsanto Email Discussing Let Nothing Go Campaign Moving Beyond Media (02.09.19)
Monsanto-Email Re NTP Evaluating Glyphosate (02.09.19)
Media – Monsanto suggested storyline for Kate Kelland.pdf (02.09.19)
Notice of appearance of James Shepherd.pdf (02.08.19)
Charles Healy offering to put Donna Farmer and David Saltmiras’ review under his name for the 2008 cytotoxicity report (02.06.19)
2012 emails on the inclusion of an environmental exposure section in the genotoxicity review (02.06.19)
Monsanto manuscript clearance form for the Review of Genotoxicity of Glyphosate and Glyphosate Based Formulations (02.06.19)
Larry Kier 2013 suggested edits for Genotoxicity Studies of Glyphosate paper (02.06.19)
Discussions about adding Monsanto’s Saltmiras as author to Kier & Kirkland paper (02.06.19)
Emails listing possible 2012 manuscript reviewers at the request of Roger McClellan (02.06.19)
Emails between David Saltmiras and Larry Kier reviewing edits made on the manuscript examing the genotoxicity of glyphosate (02.06.19)
Emails between Roger McClellan, Charles Whalley, and the Intertek authors (02.06.19)
Review of genotoxicity studies of glyphosate and glyphosate-based formulations by Larry Kier and David Kirkland (02.06.19)
Emails between David Saltmiras, Roger McClellan, and Larry Kier discussing glyphosate papers for Critical Reviews in Toxicology (02.06.19)
A slide deck for Monsanto’s Issues Management Team to respond to emergent global scientific and technology challenges to Monsanto (02.06.19)
Responses to subpoena of Roger McClellan (02.06.19)
Roger McClellan’s Curriculum Vitae (02.06.19)
Roger McClellan’s 2019 deposition transcript (02.06.19)
Nathan Donley requesting a retraction of the glyphosate papers in 2018 (02.06.19)
2017 Monsanto emails denying any employees or attorneys were ghost-writers for the glyphosate papers (02.06.19)
Co-authors of the five glyphosate papers denying Monsantos involvement in ghost-writing (02.06.19)
2017 request for a list of contributions by authors not currently listed in the glyphosate papers (02.06.19)
2016 email from Roger McClellan suggesting a revisal to the title of the glyphosate papers (02.06.19)
Researchers asking the editors of Critical Reviews in Toxicology for a retraction of the five glyphosate papers in 2017 (02.06.19)
The glyphosate papers in Critical Reviews of Toxicology (02.06.19)
2016 revisions to the paper on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate by the IARC (02.06.19)
William Heydens’ first draft of the manuscript for the panel report in 2015 (02.06.19)
2018 Critical Reviews in Toxicology: Correction, Corrigendum, and Expression of Concern (02.06.19)
Proposal for post-IARC meeting scientific projects 2015 powerpoint (02.06.19)
2015 emails showing Monsanto ghost-wrote the glyphosate papers (02.06.19)
Business performance appraisal for David Saltmiras in August 2013 (02.06.19)
2008 reviewer comments (including Monsanto’s) on a glyphosate cytotoxicity study (02.06.19)
Conditional Transfer Order Feb 4 2019.pdf (02.04.19)
Pretrial order regarding remand.pdf (02.01.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude its lobbying activity as evidence.pdf (01.30.19)
Monsanto 2010 email re POEA.pdf (01.25.19)
Email 2009 Donna Farmer You cannot say Roundup does not cause cancer.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto 2003 email discussing science linking glyphosate to NHL.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto-emails-with-Intertek-on-gly-papers.pdf (01.25.19)
Emails-re-Intertek-papers.pdf (01.25.19)
Surfactant-toxicity-slide-deck.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto-email-re-editing-Intertek-declaration-of-interest.pdf (01.25.19)
Parry-review-of-genotoxicity-issues-re-glyphosate.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto worker with cancer email thread.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto brief re substantial factor test and causation.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto email to EPA re Intertek papers.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto email January 2016 re Intertek papers.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto emails re Jess should get a medal.pdf (01.25.19)
Text messages Monsanto re dicamba and glyphosate.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto email discussing issue of possible genotoxicity of formulations.pdf (01.25.19)
Mark Martens depositions re Parry report.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto emails 1999 re Williams paper and other.pdf (01.25.19)
IARC list of participants.pdf (01.25.19)
EPA ORD disagrees with EPA OPP.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto’s Donna Farmer 2004 product safety goals.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto’s Donna Farmer partial deposition.pdf (01.25.19)
Partial deposition of Monsanto’s Mark Martens.pdf (01.25.19)
Partial deposition of Monsanto’s Bill Heydens.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto discussion of dermal absorption issues.pdf (01.25.19)
Monsanto supplemental responses Stevick case.pdf (01.22.19)
Monsanto’s reply on motion to exclude testimony of plaintiff experts Nabhan, Shustov and Weisenburger.pdf (01.18.19)
Amended Notice of Deposition of Roger McClellan (01.16.19)
Plaintiffs letter brief on 1983 mouse study.pdf (01.15.19)
Letter brief over AHS evidence.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit filed under seal.pdf (01.15.19)
Monsanto brief on evidence it wants excluded at 1st phase of trial.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit – Monsanto correspondence re glyphosate not in McDuffie abstract.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit – Monsanto 2000 memo on scientific outreach in Canada and McDuffie.pdf (01.15.19)
Parties dispute over use of Parry information as evidence.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit – 1999 report of Monsanto consultant Dr. Parry.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit 2001 Monsanto email string re Parry and surfactants.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit – Monsanto email string re Parry and mutagenicity issues.pdf (01.15.19)
Exhibit – 1999 meeting minutes re Parry and genotox issues.pdf (01.15.19)
Conditional Transfer Order January 14, 2019.pdf (01.14.19)
Plaintiffs response to Monsanto motions for summary judgment and to exclude experts.pdf (01.11.19)
Deposition of Dr. Andrei Shustov.pdf (01.11.19)
Deposition of Dr. Chad Nabhan December 2018.pdf (01.11.19)
Plaintiffs-amended-notice-of-taking-deposition-of-Exponent.pdf (01.09.19)
Conditional-Transfer-Order-Jan-4-2019.pdf (01.04.19)
Jan 4 Hearing Transcript 1-4-2019 (Monsanto MDL).pdf (01.04.19)
Juror questionairre for Hardeman trial.pdf (01.04.19)
Pretrial order on bifurcation.pdf (01.03.19)
Substitution-due-to-death-of-plaintiff-Trina-Gunnoe.pdf (01.03.19)
Dispute over Monsanto reponses to plaintiff interrogatories.pdf (01.03.19)
Sioum-Gebeyehout-V.-Monsanto.pdf (01.03.19)
Plaintiff-list-of-experts-1.pdf (01.03.19)
Deposition-of-Charles-Benbrook-December-2018.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit Williams-Kroes-Munro-paper.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit Monsanto-2008-paper-on-genotoxic-potential-of-glyphosate-formulations.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit EPA-final-rule-tolerances-2013.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit EPA -final-rule-tolerances-2004.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit EPA-final-rule-tolerances-2008.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit EPA-tolerance-final-rule-2002.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit EPA-final-rule-tolerances-1997.pdf (01.03.19)
Benbrook-expert-report-November-2018.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit Pesticide-residues-in-food-report-2016.pdf (01.03.19)
Exhibit Monsanto-2008-paper-on-genotoxic-potential-of-glyphosate-formulations.pdf (01.03.19)
Monsanto notice of motion for summary judgment.pdf (01.03.19)
Monsanto-motion-to-exclude-testimony-of-Charles-Benbrook.pdf (01.03.19)
Monsanto motion to exclude testimony of plaintiff experts Nabhan Shustov and Weisenburger.pdf (01.03.19)
Monsanto-request to exceed page limit in motion for-summary-judgment-Dec.-31-2018.pdf (12.31.18)
Judge order on expert reports.pdf (12.20.18)
Plaintiffs-opposition-to-bifurcation-of-trial.pdf (12.13.18)
Request for rescheduling of expert testimony Shustov.pdf (12.12.18)
Further CMC Transcript (12.10.18)
Monsanto motion to reverse bifurcate trials (12.10.18)
Conditional Transfer Order (11.28.18)
Federal Court Trial Selection (11.28.18)
Roger McClellan’s responses to his 2018 subpoena (11.26.18)
Subpoena for Roger McClellan and request of his communications and documents in the case against Monsanto (11.14.18)
Pretrial Order – 2019 trial schedule (10.03.18)
(2 pages)
Proposed Pretrial Order on Venue, Groups (09.27.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order Sept. 27, 2018 (09.27.18)
(2 pages)
Transcript of Sept. 24 proceedings on venue part 2 (09.24.18)
(51 pages)
Transcript of Sept. 24 hearing on venue part 1 (09.24.18)
(21 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order Sept. 19, 2018 (09.19.18)
(2 pages)
Transcript Case Management Conference Sept. 13, 2018 (09.13.18)
(105 pages)
Order on fact sheets from CMC (09.12.18)
(2 pages)
Plaintiff Fact Sheet (09.12.18)
(12 pages)
Affidavit on Monsanto discovery documents tally (09.07.18)
(8 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order Sept. 4, 2018 (09.04.18)
(2 pages)
Pretrial order on CM conference (08.28.18)
(1 page)
Conditional Transfer Order Aug. 27, 2018 (08.27.18)
(3 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order Aug. 22, 2018 (08.22.18)
Conditional Transfer Order Aug. 7, 2018 (08.07.18)
(3 pages)
Daubert Ruling (07.10.18)
(68 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order June 28, 2018 (06.28.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto exhibit Weisenburger letter to EPA re latency (06.22.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto supplemental memorandum seeking to exclude plaintiff’s expert Weisenburger (06.22.18)
(6 pages)
Voluntary dismissal of Virginia Freeman case (06.22.18)
(2 pages)
Judge’s order for supplemental briefing from Monsanto on Weisenburger testimony (06.19.18)
(1 page)
Conditional Transfer Order June 15, 2018 (06.15.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order June 2018 (06.12.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto notice of supplemental authority in support of motion for summary judgment June 2018 (06.12.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto exhibit US Court of Appeals Lipitor ruling (06.12.18)
(47 pages)
Monsanto corporate disclosure of Bayer deal (06.08.18)
(1 page)
Monsanto answer to lawsuit Klodzinski v. Monsanto Co (05.29.18)
(23 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order May 25, 2018 (05.25.18)
(2 pages)
Plaintiff’s notice of Dewayne Johnson case ruling on causation experts (05.18.18)
(51 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order April 26, 2018 (04.26.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order April 23, 2018 (04.23.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto answer to Upshaw lawsuit (04.18.18)
(26 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order April 17, 2018 (04.17.18)
(2 pages)
Plaintiffs response to Monsanto motion to exclude testimony (04.11.18)
(19 pages)
Monsanto motion to exclude new testimony of Ritz and Portier (04.09.18)
(9 pages)
Transcript Chris Portier Roundup 4-6-18 VC (04.06.18)
(190 pages)
Transcript April 4, 2018 Beate Ritz (04.04.18)
(176 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order March 28, 2018 (03.28.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order March 22, 2018 (03.22.18)
(2 pages)
Pretrial Order for Additional Testimony from Ritz and Portier (03.19.18)
(1 page)
Monsanto Daubert oral argument transcript (03.16.18)
(97 pages)
Conditional transfer order CTO-77 (03.15.18)
(2 pages)
March 14, 2018 Chhabria hearing on summary judgment transcript.pdf (03.14.18)
Plaintiffs’ post-argument submission (03.14.18)
(134 pages)
Monsanto’s notice of filing studies (03.14.18)
(103 pages)
Transcript for Daubert hearing (03.09.18)
(242 pages)
Monsanto response to motion for directed verdict (03.09.18)
(4 pages)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing March 8, 2018 (03.08.18)
(175 pages)
Civil Minutes for Daubert Hearing March 8, 2018 (03.08.18)
(1 page)
Exhibits and Witness List Daubert Hearing (03.08.18)
(2 pages)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.07.18)
(225 pages)
Civil Minutes for Daubert Hearing (03.07.18)
(1 page)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.07.18)
(pages 214-370)
Civil Minutes for Daubert Hearing (03.06.18)
(1 page)
Letter brief – Plaintiffs ask for more time in Daubert Hearing (03.06.18)
(3 pages)
Exhibits and Witness List Daubert Hearing Day 2 (03.06.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (03.06.18)
(2 pages)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.06.18)
(213 pages)
Exhibits and Witness List Daubert Hearing (03.05.18)
(2 pages)
Civil Minutes for Daubert Hearing (03.05.18)
(1 page)
Judge’s ruling on Monsanto mouse study objection (03.03.18)
(1 page)
Joint Discovery Brief Regarding 1983 Mouse Study (03.02.18)
(5 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (03.01.18)
(2 pages)
Joint Discovery Letter Brief Regarding Videotaped Testimony (02.28.18)
(3 pages)
Eastern District injunction against California cancer warning (02.27.18)
(21 pages)
Monsanto cites California ruling seeking summary judgment (02.27.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto seeks to block use of certain documents (02.27.18)
(2 pages)
Judge’s order concerning exhibits, ghost writing (02.27.18)
(2 pages)
Monsanto’s renumbered exhibit list for Daubert (02.26.18)
(171 pages)
Plaintiffs expert witness list for Daubert hearing (02.26.18)
(3 pages)
Monsanto’s first four witnesses for Daubert (02.26.18)
(2 pages)
Equipment allowed for Daubert hearing (02.26.18)
(2 pages)
Daubert hearing video recording (02.26.18)
(1 page)
Transfer Order (02.23.18)
(2 pages)
Joint Discovery Letter Brief Regarding Objections to Daubert Exhibit Lists (02.20.18)
(7 pages)
Monsanto exhibit list for hearings week of March 5, 2018 (02.20.18)
(171 pages)
Deposition of William Fleming MD September 19, 2017 (02.20.18)
(70 pages)
Monsanto notice of filing of expert deposition transcripts and expert report (02.20.18)
(2 pages)
Deposition of JAY IRWIN Sept. 22, 2017 (02.20.18)
(65 pages)
(29 pages)
Plaintiffs’ exhibit list for hearings week of March 5 (02.20.18)
(18 pages)
Supplemental expert report of Chris Portier (02.16.18)
(7 pages)
Supplemental report of Dennis Weisenburger in support of general causation (02.16.18)
(5 pages)
Reliability of reporting on life-style and Agricultual Factors AHS, Iowa 2002 (02.16.18)
(9 pages)
Briefing note for IARC scientific and Governing Council Jan 2018 (02.16.18)
(12 pages)
Monsanto farm study exposure communications plan 2002 (02.16.18)
(7 pages)
Federal Government’s Agricultural Health Study 2000 (02.16.18)
(27 pages)
Supplemental expert report of Alfred Neugut (02.16.18)
(14 pages)
Glyphosate Use and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health Study (02.16.18)
(9 pages)
John Acquavella 1997 memo on Agricultural Health Study (02.16.18)
(6 pages)
1999 Monsanto memo on Agricultural Health Study and other (02.16.18)
(7 pages)
Agricultural Health Study paper 1996 (02.16.18)
(9 pages)
Monsanto’s supplemental memorandum on Agricultural Health Study (02.16.18)
(20 pages)
Jan 23, 2018 Deposition of Jennifer Rider (02.16.18)
(25 pages)
Jan 23, 2018 Deposition of Lorelei Mucci (02.16.18)
(26 pages)
Supplemental Report of Dr. Beate Ritz (02.16.18)
(14 pages)
(15 pages)
(26 pages)
Jan 10, 2018 Deposition of Charles Jameson (02.16.18)
(50 pages)
(48 pages)
Jan 19, 2018 deposition of Beate Ritz (02.16.18)
(75 pages)
Jan 3 2018 DEPOSITION OF ALFRED I. NEUGUT (02.16.18)
(57 pages)
January 12, 2018 deposition of Chris Portier (02.16.18)
(75 pages)
(58 pages)
Plaintiffs’ brief on AHS (02.16.18)
(21 pages)
Parties letter to judge over Daubert issues (02.16.18)
(9 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (02.01.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (01.18.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional transfer Order (01.12.18)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (01.04.18)
(2 pages)
Transfer Order (12.27.17)
(2 pages)
Conditional Transfer Order (12.18.17)
(2 pages)
Pre-trial order re Daubert (12.14.17)
(1 page)
Conditional Transfer Order (11.22.17)
(2 pages)
Saltmiras, Kier Kirkland discussion of authorship of paper (11.20.17)
(6 pages)
Monsanto strategy discussion re IARC (11.20.17)
(12 pages)
Monsanto Exponent Ag Health Study analysis (11.20.17)
(119 pages)
Exponent report to CropLife on epidemiology studies (11.20.17)
(41 pages)
Industry farm family exposure task force report 2000 (11.20.17)
(10 pages)
Plaintiffs reply opposing Monsanto motion for summary judgment (11.20.17)
(25 pages)
Acquavella report on Ag Health Study 1997 (11.20.17)
(6 pages)
Monsanto answer to complaint Arthur Sweat (11.20.17)
(24 pages)
Monsanto memo 1985 re mouse study (11.20.17)
(3 pages)
Judge orders change of schedule for Daubert hearing (11.17.17)
(1 page)
Plaintiffs’ letter on impacts of AHS on Daubert issue (11.14.17)
(5 pages)
Monsanto letter on impacts of AHS on Daubert issue (11.14.17)
(5 pages)
Conditional transfer order (11.14.17)
(2 pages)
Monsanto answer to plaintiff Votta’s complaint (11.14.17)
(25 pages)
Conditional transfer order (11.13.17)
(2 pages)
Monsanto reply in support of motion for summary judgment (11.10.17)
(154 pages)
Pretrial Order Re Ag Health Study and Daubert Hearing (11.10.17)
(1 page)
Transcript of Nov. 9, 2017 case management conference (11.09.17)
(35 pages)
Monsanto’s answer to Pearce complaint (11.06.17)
(25 pages)
Monsanto’s answer to Scott amended complaint (11.06.17)
(26 pages)
Transfer order (11.06.17)
(2 pages)
Judge’s order to remove incorrectly filed documents (11.03.17)
(1 page)
Joint-Case-Management-Statement-Nov.-2-2017.pdf (11.02.17)
Corrected Exhibit Nos 27 and 88 (11.01.17)
(43 pages)
Motion-to-file-under-seal-Nov.-1-2017.pdf (11.01.17)
Motion-to-remove-incorrectly-filed-documents.pdf (11.01.17)
Conditional-Transfer-Order-Oct.-30.pdf (10.30.17)
Exact-Analysis-of-Dose-Response-for-Multiple-Correlated-Binary-Outcomes (10.28.17)
EPA-cooperation-with-EFSA (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Christopher-Corcoran (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Warren-Foster (10.28.17)
Comparison-of-the-in-vivo-and-in-vitro-genotoxicity-of-glyphosate (10.28.17)
Correspondence-between-plaintiff-and-defense-attorneys-re-missing-rodent-studies (10.28.17)
Law-firm-request-for-all-study-documents (10.28.17)
Solomon-and-IARC-disagreement-on-research (10.28.17)
Law-firm-request-for-all-study-documents (10.28.17)
Solomon-and-IARC-disagreement-on-research (10.28.17)
expert-report-of-Jennifer-Rider (10.28.17)
2001-Monsanto-discussions-of-glyphosate-issues-1 (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Matthew-Ross-and-related-documents (10.28.17)
Baseline-determination-glyphosate-aerial-spraying-on-Ecuadorian-border (10.28.17)
Biomonitoring-of-Genotoxic-Risk-in-Columbia-Exposure-to-Glyphosate (10.28.17)
Biomonitoring-of-Genotoxic-Risk-in-Columbia-Exposure-to-Glyphosate (10.28.17)
2001-Monsanto-discussions-of-glyphosate-issues-1 (10.28.17)
Payment-for-Keith-Solomon (10.28.17)
Evaluation-of-DNA-damage-in-Ecuadorian-population-exposed-to-glyphosate (10.28.17)
Best-practices-for-use-of-historical-control-data (10.28.17)
Mode-of-Action-analysis-for-liver-tumors (10.28.17)
Update-Mode-of-Action-for-liver-tumors-paper (10.28.17)
Lymphomas-and-leukemias-in-mice-paper (10.28.17)
Finding-Mouse-Models-of-Human-Lymphomas-paper (10.28.17)
Relevance-of-Animal-Carcinogenesis-Findings-paper (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Charles-Jameson (10.28.17)
Rebuttal-report-of-chris-potier (10.28.17)
Chris-Portier-expert-report (10.28.17)
Portier-related-documents-and-contract (10.28.17)
Portier-communications-and-documents (10.28.17)
Spontaneous-neoplastic-lesions-in-CD-1-Mice-March-2000 (10.28.17)
Expert-report-of-Christopher-Corcoran (10.28.17)
Portier-and-IARC-related-documents (10.28.17)
Monsanto-communications-2003-re-JMPR-information (10.28.17)
Transcript-Feb.-24-2017-hearing (10.28.17)
Monsanto-communications-on-decision-not-to-repeat-rat-skin-study (10.28.17)
Glyphosate-formulations-testing-for-dermal-uptake-Monsanto-Brussels (10.28.17)
2002-Monsanto-absorption-study-on-rat-skin (10.28.17)
Monsanto-discussion-of-dermal-absorption-and-urine-excretion-study-concerns (10.28.17)
Glyphosate-skin-binding-absorption-paper (10.28.17)
Dermal-absorption-monkey-study (10.28.17)
Monsanto-communications-re-dermal-uptake-excretion (10.28.17)
Briefing-on-IARC-evaluation-CropLife-requested-meetings (10.28.17)
Key-Characteristics-of-Carcinogens-paper-1 (10.28.17)
Evaluation-of-Medical-Conditions-Associated-with-Risk-of-NHL (10.28.17)
Rothman-Six-Persistent-Research-Misconceptions-paper (10.28.17)
AHS-Heltshe-paper (10.28.17)
Communications-re-rejection-of-Alavanja-AHS-paper (10.28.17)
Alavanja-paper-NHL-risk-in-AHS (10.28.17)
PLOS-ONE-revisions-requested-for-Alavanja-paper (10.28.17)
Portier-paper-Differences-in-evaluations-of-IARC-and-EFSA (10.28.17)
Impact-of-pesticide-exposure-misclassification-AHS (10.28.17)
Cancer-incidence-among-glyphosate-exposed-pesticide-applicators-in-AHS-1 (10.28.17)
AHS-critical-review-with-suggested-improvements (10.28.17)
Monsanto-communications-re-concerns-over-Hardell-research (10.28.17)
Rough-draft-NHL-proposal-for-ECPA (10.28.17)
Chang-and-Delzell-2016-meta-analysis-of-glyphosate-exposure-and-cancer-risks (10.28.17)
Review-and-meta-analysis-NHL-and-exposure-to-pesticides (10.28.17)
Evaluation-of-glyphosate-use-and-risk-of-NHL-in-North-American-Pooled-Project (10.28.17)
Detailed-assessment-North-American-Pooled-Project (10.28.17)
Expert-report-problems-with-AHS-study (10.28.17)
Assessment-glyphosate-North-American-Pooled-Project (10.28.17)
NAPP-evaluation-of-glyphosate-use-shows-evidence-of-association-with-NHL (10.28.17)
Hardell-Eriksson-and-Nordstrom-paper-2001-pesticide-exposure-risk (10.28.17)
NHL-and-pesticide-exposure-Canada-study (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Beate-Ritz-with-related-documents (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Dennis-Weisenburger-and-related-papers (10.28.17)
Exponent-meta-analysis-of-glyphosate-use-and-risk-of-NHL (10.28.17)
De-Roos-2003-paper-on-pesticides-as-risk-factors-for-NHL (10.28.17)
Eriksson-paper-on-pesticide-exposure-risk-factor-for-NHL (10.28.17)
Manuscript-submission-requirements-for-biomedical-publications (10.28.17)
Expert-report-of-Monsanto-witness-Jennifer-Rider (10.28.17)
Bolognesi-paper-on-monitoring-pesticide-exposed-populations (10.28.17)
North-American-Pooled-Project-paper-on-NHL-and-glyphosate (10.28.17)
Cancer-related-scientific-papers (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Monsanto-expert-witness-Jennifer-Rider (10.28.17)
Manuscripts-on-AHS-IARC-BfR-EFSA (10.28.17)
Draft-of-AHS-lymphoma-risk-and-pesticide-use-paper (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-John-Acquavella-with-related-research-papers (10.28.17)
2014-paper-on-NHL-and-exposure-to-pesticides (10.28.17)
Expert-report-of-Monsanto-witness-Lorelei-Mucci (10.28.17)
Swiss-study-and-others-attached-to-Neugut-deposition (10.28.17)
Deposition-of-Monsanto-expert-witness-Lorelei-Mucci (10.28.17)
Documents-related-to-AHS-and-rejection-of-Monsanto-paper-by-journal-as-agenda-driven (10.28.17)
Lymphoma-risk-and-pesticide-use-Agricultural-Health-Study (10.28.17)
Correspondence-IARC-Aaron-Blair (10.28.17)
IARC-monographs-on-the-evaluation-of-carcinogenic-risks-to-humans (10.28.17)
Dr.-Goodmans-references-for-Ames-GBF-Data-Set (10.28.17)
Bolognesi-Micronuclei-and-pesticide-exposure (10.28.17)
Staistical-tests-P-values-confidence-intervals-and-power (10.28.17)
Post-IARC-discussion-Monsanto-re-classification (10.27.17)
Bradford-Hill-1965 (10.27.17)
IARC-monographs-40-years-of-evaluating-carcinogenic-hazards (10.27.17)
Email-EPA-Jess-Rowland-discusses-IARC-finding-before-it-is-made-public (10.27.17)
Monsanto-2014-discussion-of-vulnerability-with-IARC (10.27.17)
Monsanto-IARC-preparedness-plan (10.27.17)
Review-of-genotoxicity-studies-Kier-and-Kirkland-2013 (10.27.17)
Review-of-genotoxicity-summary (10.27.17)
Monsanto-manuscript-clearance-form (10.27.17)
Emails-discussing-Monsanto-hiring-Kirkland (10.27.17)
Expert-witness-report-Warren-Foster (10.27.17)
Glyphosate-review-genotoxicity-oxidative-stress-data (10.27.17)
Monsanto-planning-for-IARC-discussions-with-Acquavella (10.27.17)
Evaluation-of-potential-genotoxicity-of-glyphosate-by-James-Parry (10.27.17)
Partial-release-Videotaped-depositin-of-Mark-Martens (10.27.17)
Wiliams-Kroes-Munro (10.27.17)
Monsanto-emails-re-IARC-preparations (10.27.17)
Donna-Farmer-emails-re-testing-on-Roundup (10.27.17)
Monsanto-emails-re-1999-scientific-papers (10.27.17)
Monsanto-discussion-of-glyphosate-publications-recommendations-for-process (10.27.17)
Monsanto-email-glyphosate-toxicology-activities (10.27.17)
Discussion-of-1985-tumors-in-mice (10.27.17)
Monsanto-correspondence-to-California-April-1987-on-mouse-study (10.27.17)
Memo-to-EPA-from-Kasza-1985-on-mouse-tumors (10.27.17)
EPA-summary-of-IBT-review-program (10.27.17)
US-Patent-Office-Document (10.27.17)
Heydens-email-on-issues-faced-in-early-glyphosate-days (10.27.17)
Monsanto-1985-correspondence-on-feeding-study-in-mice (10.27.17)
Monsanto-Action-Plan-ECHA (10.27.17)
Monsanto-talking-points-for-EPA-meeting (10.27.17)
ATSDR-Glyphosate-review-emails (10.27.17)
EPA-SAP-December-2016-meeting-minutes (10.27.17)
DynCorp-case-Expert-Witness-report (10.27.17)
Declaration-of-Aimee-Wagstaff-related-to-Daubert-and-Summary-Judgment-Motion (10.27.17)
Motion-to-file-under-seal-re-Daubert (10.27.17)
Plaintffs-response-oppposing-Monsantos-summary-judgment-motion (10.27.17)
Oct.-25-Transfer-Order (10.25.17)
Joint-case-management-statement (10.20.17)
Monsantos-Answer-to-Complaint-by-Tara-L.-DiVittorio (10.13.17)
State-Court-cases-notification (10.09.17)
Lawyer-Letter-re-Portier-citations (10.06.17)
Expert-Report-of-Chris-Portier (10.06.17)
Expert-Report-of-Lorelei-Mucci (10.06.17)
Deposition-of-Dennis-Weisenburger-Sept.-2017 (10.06.17)
May-2017-Deposition-of-Matthew-Ross (10.06.17)
May-2017-Deposition-of-Matthew-Ross (10.06.17)
Deposition-of-Beate-Ritz (10.06.17)
Expert-Report-of-Dennis-Weisenburger (10.06.17)
Expert-Report-of-Alfred-Neugut (10.06.17)
Expert-Report-of-Chadi-Nabhan (10.06.17)
Beate-Ritz-Expert-Report (10.06.17)
Transcript-of-Feb-2017-hearing (10.06.17)
Charles-Jameson-expert-report (10.06.17)
Deposition-of-Chadi-Nabhan (10.06.17)
Alfred-Neugut-Deposition (10.06.17)
Expert-witness-list-for-plaintiffs (10.06.17)
Monsanto-motion-for-summary-judgment (10.06.17)
Order-on-Rowland-request-for-attorney-fees (10.06.17)
Deposition-of-CHRISTOPHER-JUDE (10.06.17)
U.S-Judicial-Panel-Transfer-order (10.04.17)
Deposition-Dr.-Charles-Jameson (10.03.17)
Judge-denies-Monsanto-motion-to-reopen-expert-witness-deposition (10.02.17)
Conditional-Transfer-Order-Oct.-2 (10.02.17)
Monsanto-answer-to-complaint-Mary-L.-Koehn-v.-Monsanto-Co. (09.29.17)
Discovery-dispute-over-expert-witness-Dennis-D.-Weisenburger (09.26.17)
All-judges-invited-to-Daubert (09.20.17)
Amended-Protective-Order (09.06.17)
Jess-Rowland-response-regarding-his-request-attorneys-fees (09.05.17)
Judge-pretrial-order-on-Baum-Hedlund (09.01.17)
Judge-pretrial-order-on-Baum-Hedlund (09.01.17)
Order-Allowing-Extension-on-Submission-of-Proposed-New-Protective-Order (08.31.17)
Conditional-Transfer-Order (08.31.17)
Deposition-of-Jess-Rowland (08.29.17)
Exhibit-Mary-Manibusan-correspondence-with-Monsanto (08.29.17)
Exhibit-EPA-correspondence-on-glyphosate (08.29.17)
EXHIBIT-EPA-notes-to-Jess-Rowland-upon-retirement (08.29.17)
Exhibit-Lawyer-correspondence-over-Rowland-deposition (08.29.17)
Plaintiffs-opposition-to-Jess-Rowland-request-for-attorneys-fees (08.29.17)
Monsantos-Response-to-Baum-Hedlund-Post-Hearing-Brief (08.29.17)
Baum-Hedlund-supplemental-brief (08.28.17)
Aug-24-2017-transcript-document-dispute-hearing (08.26.17)
Notice-of-Appearance-by-RFJ-Jr. (08.23.17)
Exhibit-Letter-from-plaintiffs-attorneys-to-OEHHA (08.18.17)
Exhibit-Baycol-Product-Order (08.17.17)
Exhibit-Delaware-Protective-Order (08.17.17)
Exhibit-Delaware-Plaintiffs-Motion-for-Entry-of-a-Protective-and-Confidentiality-Order (08.17.17)
Exhibit-Transcript-of-Proceedings-Nov.-16-2016 (08.17.17)
Attachment-2-Request-for-Production (08.17.17)
Attachment-1-Proposed-Amended-Protective-and-Confidentiality-Order (08.17.17)
Exhibit-Monsantos-Response-to-Plaintiffs-Motion-for-Protective-Order (08.17.17)
Monsantos-Response-to-Plaintiffs-Counsel-Responses-to-Order-to-Show-Cause (08.17.17)
Jess-Rowland-motion-for-attorneys-fees (08.15.17)
Letter-from-Baum-Hedlund-to-EPA-OIG (08.14.17)
Letter-from-Baum-Hedlund-to-OEHHA (08.14.17)
Letter-from-Baum-Hedlund-to-Members-of-European-Parliament (08.14.17)
Exhibit-to-Baum-Hedlund-response-to-motion-to-show-cause (08.14.17)
Declaration-of-Brent-Wisner (08.14.17)
Plaintiffs-attorney-Brent-Wisner-and-Baum-Hedlund-response-to-order-to-show-cause (08.14.17)
Response-of-Plaintiffs-Attorney-Michael-Miller-to-PTO-28 (08.14.17)
Robin-Greenwald-response-to-order-to-show-cause-regarding-release-of-Monsanto-documents (08.14.17)
Exhibit-4-Andrus-Wagstaff-response-on-release-of-Monsanto-documents (08.14.17)
Exhibit-3-Andrus-Wagstaff-response-on-release-of-Monsanto-documents (08.14.17)
Exhibit-2-Andrus-Wagstaff-response-on-release-of-Monsanto-documents (08.14.17)
Exhibit-1-Andrus-Wagstaff-response-on-release-of-Monsanto-documents-1 (08.14.17)
Exhibit-Communications-between-opposing-counsel-regarding-documents (08.14.17)
Exhibit-A-Aimee-Wagstaff-Declaration (08.14.17)
Andrus-Wagstaff-response-on-release-of-Monsanto-dox (08.14.17)
Aug.-9-2017-Teleconference-Transcript (08.11.17)
Pretrial-Order (08.09.17)
Exhibit-Letter-from-plaintiffs-attorneys-to-OIG (08.08.17)
Monsanto-Reply-Exhibit-6 (08.08.17)
Exhibit-Emails-between-plaintiffs-and-defense-attorneys (08.08.17)
Monsantos-Reply-in-Support-of-Application-for-Emergency-Relief (08.08.17)
Exhibit-Letter-from-plaintiffs-attorneys-to-European-Parliament (08.08.17)
Exhibit-Letter-from-plaintiffs-attorneys-to-OEHHA (08.08.17)
Plaintiffs-June-30-2917-letter-to-Monsanto-attorneys-over-documents (08.05.17)
Joint-Stipulation-and-Order-Regarding-Remand-to-State-Court (08.03.17)
Judges-sked-for-emergency-motion-response (08.02.17)
Monsanto-emergency-relief-motion (08.02.17)
Motion-to-clarify-rulings-on-confidentiality-of-documents (08.01.17)
2-Monsanto-Executive-William-Heydens-Admits-Ghostwriting-Introductory-Chapter-in-Expert-Panel-Manuscript (08.01.17)
3-Internal-Emails-Show-Monsanto-Made-Substantial-Contributions-to-Published-Expert-Panel-Manuscript (08.01.17)
4-Internal-Email-Further-Demonstrating-Heydens-Involvement-Drafting-Expert-Panel-Manuscript (08.01.17)
5-Monsanto-Involvement-with-Scientific-Studies-Without-Disclosing-Conflicts-of-Interest (08.01.17)
6-Monsanto-Consultant-Protests-Ghostwriting (08.01.17)
7-Monsanto-Personnel-Discusses-Plan-Seeking-Retraction-of-Serlani-Glyphosate-Study (08.01.17)
10-Monsanto-Consulting-Agreement-with-Food-and-Chemical-Toxicology-Editor (08.01.17)
11-Email-Confirming-Monsantos-Intention-to-Pay-Wallace-Hayes (08.01.17)
12-Monsanto-Email-Confirming-Companys-Intimate-Relationship-with-Wallace-Hayes (08.01.17)
13-Monsanto-Email-Confirming-Attempt-to-Seek-Retraction-of-Serlani-Study (08.01.17)
7-Monsanto-Personnel-Discusses-Plan-Seeking-Retraction-of-Serlani-Glyphosate-Study (08.01.17)
15-Peer-Review-by-Monsanto-Scientist-Recommending-Rejection-of-Study-That-Found-Glyphosate-and-Roundup-Adverse-Effects (08.01.17)
16-Internal-Email-Showing-Dr-Healy-Asked-Colleagues-to-Review-Study-That-Found-Roundup-and-Glyphosate-Adverse-Effects-1 (08.01.17)
17-Internal-Email-Showing-Monsantos-Effort-to-Silence-Science-Re-Roundup-Adverse-Health-Effects (08.01.17)
18-Monsanto-Scientist-Admits-to-Ghostwriting-Cancer-Review-Paper (08.01.17)
19-Editor-of-Journal-That-Published-Expert-Panel-Manuscript-States-Intention-of-the-Panel-was-to-Discredit-IARC (08.01.17)
20-Monsanto-Email-from-Donna-Farmer-Demonstrating-Company-Manipulation-of-Glyphosate-Studies (08.01.17)
22-Internal-Email-Demonstrating-Monsanto-Ghostwriting-Article-Criticizing-IARC-for-Press (08.01.17)
23-Email-Regarding-Monsanto-Paid-Consultant-and-Expert-Panel-of-Independent-Scientists (08.01.17)
24-Email-Regarding-Monsanto-Individuals-on-Expert-Panel (08.01.17)
25-Invoice-Showing-Monsanto-Paid-20000-to-Expert-Panel-Member-Dr-John-Acquavella (08.01.17)
26-Email-Regarding-Dr-Acquavellas-consultancy-for-Monsanto (08.01.17)
27-Internal-Monsanto-Email-You-Cannot-Say-That-Roundup-is-not-a-Carcinogen (08.01.17)
28-Internal-Email-Monsanto-Regarding-Lack-of-Testing-of-Carcinogenicity-of-Roundup-Formulation-1 (08.01.17)
29-Monsanto-Internal-Email-Regarding-Concern-Over-Plausibility-of-Roundup-Formulation-Carcinogenicity (08.01.17)
30-Toxicologist-Discuss-Reluctance-to-Conduct-Studies-on-Glyphosate (08.01.17)
31-Monsanto-Internal-Email-Employee-Discusses-Lack-of-Testing-of-Roundup (08.01.17)
32-Farm-Family-Exposure-Task-Force-discussion-Exposure-Study (08.01.17)
33-Monsanto-Consultant-You-Cant-Say-That-There-is-no-Evidence-of-Roundup-Carcinogenicity (08.01.17)
34-Monsanto-PowerPoint (08.01.17)
35-Monsanto-Says-Vulnerability-Ahead-of-IARC-in-Epidemiology-Exposure-Genotoxicity-and-Mode-of-Action (08.01.17)
36-Monsanto-Internal-Email-Discussion-of-low-level-presence-of-formaldehyde-in-Roundup-other-issues-faced-in-mid-1980s (08.01.17)
37-Monsanto-Executive-Writes-Vulnerable-on-Surfactants-Formulated-Product-Does-the-Damage (08.01.17)
38-Email-1999-Discussion-of-reports-and-publications-re-mutagenicity-of-glyphosate (08.01.17)
39-Email-Regarding-Intertek-Work-and-Monsanto-Comments-Re-Formulated-Roundup-and-Tumor-Production (08.01.17)
40-Monsanto-Executive-Expresses-Long-Held-Concerns-Over-IARC-Testing-Glyphosate (08.01.17)
41-Internal-Email-from-2008-Monsanto-Executive-Regarding-NGO-and-Research-Showing-Link-to-non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma (08.01.17)
42-Internal-Email-Regarding-Retest-of-Two-Surfactants (08.01.17)
43-Monsanto-PowerPoint-2010-Regulatory-Leadership-Meetings (08.01.17)
44-Monsanto-Internal-Email-Discussion-of-Formaldehyde-in-Glyphosate-and-Registration (08.01.17)
45-Monsanto-Consultant-Email-Rgarding-BfR-review-of-glyphosate-findings-in-human-urine (08.01.17)
46-a-Monsanto-2002-Dermal-Absorption-Study-Discussion (08.01.17)
46-Email-Chain-Re-Dermal-Absorption-Studies-Potential-to-Blow-Roundup-Risk-Evaluations (08.01.17)
47-Monsanto-Personnel-Further-Study-on-Glyphosate-Absorption (08.01.17)
48-Monsanto-discussion-of-3-unexplained-deaths-in-acute-inhalation-tests-of-lab-animals (08.01.17)
49-Acute-Nose-Only-Inhalation-Toxicity-Study-In-Rats (08.01.17)
50-Monsanto-Wants-to-Change-EPA-Risk-Assessment-Process-Cites-Trojan-Horse (08.01.17)
50-MON-59117-GI-tract-study-Absorption-in-the-Gastrointestinal-Tract (08.01.17)
51-Monsanto-Europe-glyphosate-excretion-kinetics-dermal-uptake-strategy (08.01.17)
52-a-Ethylene-Glycol-paper (08.01.17)
52-b-Monsanto-Discussion-of-Product-Database-Poison-Control-Information-Children (08.01.17)
52-c-Dermal-Penetration-Studies-discussion (08.01.17)
53-Monsanto-Europe-Dermal-penetration-study-argumentation-for-applicability (08.01.17)
54-Email-Details-Operator-Exposure-Level-When-Spraying-Roundup-Under-UK-Conditions (08.01.17)
Text-Messages (08.01.17)
Monsanto-communications-with-EPA (08.01.17)
57-Monsanto-Worries-About-ATSDR-Glyphosate-Review-Seeks-to-Rebut-IARC (08.01.17)
58-Email-Regarding-Meeting-with-Jess-Rowland-and-Hopes-He-Wont-Check-with-Product-Manager (08.01.17)
59-Email-Regarding-EPA-and-Monsanto-Meeting-February-2016-on-SAP (08.01.17)
60-Communication-Between-Monsanto-and-Key-EPA-Official-Jack-Housenger-Regarding-Potential-Government-Review-of-Glyphosate (08.01.17)
61-Monsanto-Talking-Points-in-Preparation-for-Meeting-with-EPA-Director (08.01.17)
62-Email-Mentioning-EPA-Official-Jess-Rowland (08.01.17)
63-Monsanto-PowerPoint-for-State-of-California-on-Glyphosate-No-Significant-Risk-Level (08.01.17)
64-Saltmiras-Email-Communication-on-Glyphosate-Expert-Panel-follow-up-meeting (08.01.17)
65-Email-with-Exponent-Regarding-Glyphosate (08.01.17)
66-Internal-Monsanto-Document-Goals-to-Demonstrate-Safety-of-Glyphosate-After-IARC (08.01.17)
67-Monsanto-Suggestion-of-Jess-Rowland-to-Glyphosate-Panel (08.01.17)
68-Monsanto-Email-with-CropLife-on-of-Concerns-about-EPA-Setting-SAP-on-Glyphosate (08.01.17)
69-Monsanto-Email-Detailing-Lobbying-Effort-to-Pressure-WHO-Over-IARC-Glyphosate-Classification (08.01.17)
70-Email-Discussion-of-Glyphosate-and-Medical-Toxicologists-in-Europe-and-Questions-of-Money (08.01.17)
71-Internal-Monsanto-Email-Regarding-French-Ban-of-POEA (08.01.17)
72-Document-Details-Monsantos-Strategy-Regarding-IARC (08.01.17)
73-Email-update-of-proposed-meeting-to-discuss-action-on-IARC-in-Canada (08.01.17)
74-Monsanto-Emails-Regarding-Glyphosate-Litigation-Messaging (08.01.17)
75-List-of-Studies-IARC-Relied-on-for-Glyphosate-Monograph (08.01.17)
21-Internal-Monsanto-Email-Detailing-Company-Effort-to-Preemptively-Criticize-IARC-Ahead-of-Glyphosate-Report (08.01.17)
Ward-et-al-Osborn-seek-to-dismiss (07.19.17)
Order-on-motion-to-remand (07.05.17)
Acquavella-Day-1-redacted (07.03.17)
Matthew-Ross-deposition (07.03.17)
June-15-transcript (06.15.17)
20170613-Collins-Opposition-re-Motion-to-Compel-and-Motion-to-Transfer-1 (06.13.17)
Plaintiffs-unredacted-on-mouse-kidney-filing (06.08.17)
Dr.-Aaron-Blair-03.20.2017_Redacted (06.05.17)
Miller-lawsuit-V-EPA (05.29.17)
MDLBioDynamics1985kidneyslidememotopathologist (05.16.17)
May-11-2017-hearing (05.11.17)
Motiontocompelkidneyslides (05.10.17)
MDLMonsantomotiontostrikeRowlandmaterials (05.10.17)
EmailbetweenlawyersoverRowlanddepo (05.09.17)
Rowlandoppositiontoprovidingmoreinfo (05.09.17)
Rowlandadminmotiontofileunderseal (05.09.17)
Monsantomotiontostrike (05.05.17)
Monsantoargumentagainstreviewingmouseslides (05.05.17)
Rowlandlawyerwantsdepositionsealed (05.02.17)
Goodbredamendedcomplaint (05.02.17)
Monsantomotiononpagelimitdenied (05.02.17)
MonsantoanswertocomplaintMay217 (05.02.17)
JudgedeniesunsealingofHeydens (05.01.17)
JudgeanswertoRossJamesondeposition-dispute (05.01.17)
Argumentsoverdepositionduration (05.01.17)
MonsantoRJdepoletter (05.01.17)
Monsantoremandrelatedarguments (05.01.17)
Monsantomotiontostrike (04.28.17)
MDLMotionon-Rowlanddepo (04.28.17)
JudgeordersRowlandtotalk (04.24.17)
Rowlandrefusaltoanswerquestions (04.24.17)
MDLMotiontocompeloriginaltestslides (04.21.17)
MDLMonsanto-objectstoratstudyrequest (04.21.17)
MDLLetNothingGomotion (04.20.17)
MDLorderon-redactions (04.18.17)
MDLorderonIARCdiscovery (04.18.17)
MDLMonsanto4.14 (04.14.17)
MDLdiscoverydisputeIARC (04.04.17)
MonsantoCoanswer (03.27.17)
MotionDepoJessRowland (03.23.17)
Mark Martens documents (03.16.17)
Dispute over discovery re Mark Martens, Lisa Hodge-Bell, Lisa Flagg, Gary Klopf, Richard Garnett, Eric Haupfear (03.16.17)
JessRowlandseries (03.14.17)
Donna Farmer deposition and Heydens emails (03.14.17)
Discussion of IARC evidence (03.14.17)
JessRowlandMarionCopelyfiling (02.27.17)
Marion-Copley-letter (02.27.17)
Joint letter brief on Monsanto confidentiality challenges february 2017.pdf (02.10.17)
pretrialorder8 (01.25.17)
Chhabria Protective Order Dec 2016.pdf (12.09.16)
Plaintiffs leadership structure.pdf (12.07.16)
Plaintiffs’ supplemental response to discovery dispute Nov. 15, 2016.pdf (11.15.16)
Monsanto October 2016 discovery objection.pdf (10.27.16)
October 24, 2016 discovery dispute.pdf (10.24.16)
Stevick v. Monsanto.pdf (04.29.16)
ORDcommentsonOPPglyphosate (12.14.15)
General MDL Documents
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California: 660 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation (MDL) under Judge Vince Chhabria. Monsanto staff email on Freedom to Operate with FTO definition Emails on Roundup court case and Freedom to Operate communications plan Minutes from CropLife America meeting discussing problems with Agricultural Health Study Email from Dow’s Carol Burns to various participants of CropLife AmericaSaltmiras Email to Lemke Says He Should Have Been a Co-Author of Glyphosate Defense Paper (05.03.19)
Monsanto staff email on Freedom to Operate with FTO definition (04.25.19)
Emails on Roundup court case and Freedom to Operate communications plan (04.25.19)
Minutes from CropLife America meeting discussing problems with Agricultural Health Study (04.25.19)
Email from Dow’s Carol Burns to various participants of CropLife America (04.25.19)
Plaintiff Fact Sheet (09.12.18)
Daubert Ruling (07.10.18)
Monsanto supplemental memorandum seeking to exclude plaintiff’s expert Weisenburger (06.22.18)
Transcript for Daubert hearing (03.09.18)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.07.18)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.07.18)
Transcript for Daubert Hearing (03.06.18)
Transfer Order (02.23.18)
Plaintiffs’ brief on AHS (02.16.18)
Transfer Order (12.27.17)
Transfer order (11.06.17)
37-Monsanto-Executive-Writes-Vulnerable-on-Surfactants-Formulated-Product-Does-the-Damage (08.01.17)