
Bayer Internal Emails Says Seeks to “Regain Public Trust” Amid Monsanto Mess

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With legal and shareholder pressure mounting, Bayer AG on Thursday was preparing to launch an initiative to “regain public trust” after its acquisition last year of Monsanto Co. brought Bayer thousands of lawsuits filed by cancer victims and damning revelations of corporate deception surrounding years of health concerns about Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides. The plan Bayer Internal Emails Says Seeks to “Regain Public Trust” Amid Monsanto Mess

Glyphosate: Cancer and other health concerns

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Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide patented in 1974 by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products, has been associated with cancer and many other health concerns discussed in this fact sheet. Glyphosate is best known as the active ingredient in Roundup-branded herbicides, and the herbicide used with “Roundup Glyphosate: Cancer and other health concerns

Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants’ health in rural areas, new research suggests

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Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide best known as the active ingredient in Roundup®, has significantly harmed the health of babies in rural U.S. communities over the last two decades—especially those already at risk of poor birth outcomes, new research shows.

Rachel Carson Environment Book Award Winner: Whitewash by Carey Gillam

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Carey Gillam’s “Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science (Island Press) has received rave reviews since its release last fall and has received several awards for outstanding reporting: Winner, 2018 Rachel Carson Book Award from the Society of Environmental Journalists 2018 Gold Medal winner, Outstanding Book of the Year, Rachel Carson Environment Book Award Winner: Whitewash by Carey Gillam

What Killed Jack McCall? A Farmer Dies; A Case Against Monsanto Takes Root

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By Carey Gillam CAMBRIA, Calif.- Standing on the ridge overlooking her central California farm, new widow Teri McCall sees her husband Jack nearly everywhere. There, atop the highest hill, is where the couple married in 1975- two self-described “hippies’ who knew more about how to surf than farm. And over there, surrounded by the lemon, What Killed Jack McCall? A Farmer Dies; A Case Against Monsanto Takes Root

The Monsanto Papers – Deadly Secrets, Corporate Corruption, and One Man’s Search for Justice

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USRTK Research Director Carey Gillam’s new book is out now and garnering glowing reviews. Here is a brief description of the book from publisher Island Press: Lee Johnson was a man with simple dreams. All he wanted was a steady job and a nice home for his wife and children, something better than the hard The Monsanto Papers – Deadly Secrets, Corporate Corruption, and One Man’s Search for Justice

U.S. study shows switch to organic diet can quickly clear pesticide from our bodies

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A new study published Tuesday found that after switching to an organic diet for just a few days, people could cut the levels of a pesticide linked to cancer found in their urine by more than 70 percent. The researchers collected a total of 158 urine samples from four families –seven adults and nine children U.S. study shows switch to organic diet can quickly clear pesticide from our bodies

International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a food industry lobby group

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The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a corporate-funded nonprofit organization based in Washington DC, with affiliated chapters around the world. ILSI describes itself as a group that conducts “science for the public good” and “improves human health and well-being and safeguards the environment.” However, investigations by academics, journalists and public interest researchers show that International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a food industry lobby group

EPA removes name of U.S. official from warning of glyphosate cancer links

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(Update with EPA explanation) In an unusual move, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has deleted the name of a high-ranking U.S. health official from a public comment that warned of cancer links to the weed killing chemical glyphosate and called for a halt to industry manipulation of research. The public comment in question was submitted EPA removes name of U.S. official from warning of glyphosate cancer links

EPA Bows to Chemical Industry in Delay of Glyphosate Cancer Review

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By Carey Gillam This might have been a tough week for Monsanto Co. The Environmental Protection Agency was slated to hold four days of public meetings focused on essentially one question: Is glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide and the lynchpin to Monsanto’s fortunes, as safe as Monsanto has spent 40 years telling us EPA Bows to Chemical Industry in Delay of Glyphosate Cancer Review

Email of intrigue: “IARC is killing us!”

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As researchers we often look to documents to shed new light on issues important to food policy. Sometimes, they simply reflect what we already know. That’s the case with one new communication string that adds to evidence of a far-reaching strategy by food industry players to discredit and diminish the world’s leading cancer research agency. Email of intrigue: “IARC is killing us!”

Carey Gillam Launches Book on Pesticide Problems & Monsanto Influence; Called to Appear Before EU Parliament

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News Release For Immediate Release: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 For More Information Contact: Stacy Malkan (510) 542-9224                        Today, Carey Gillam, a former Reuters reporter and current research director for U.S. Right to Know, launched her new book, Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science (Island Press), a hard-hitting investigation Carey Gillam Launches Book on Pesticide Problems & Monsanto Influence; Called to Appear Before EU Parliament

Court frowns on Bayer’s proposed Roundup class-action settlement

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A federal judge on Monday had harsh words for Bayer AG’s plan to delay potential future Roundup cancer lawsuits and block jury trials, criticizing the highly unusual proposal crafted by Bayer and a small group of plaintiffs’ attorneys as potentially unconstitutional. The “Court is skeptical of the propriety and fairness of the proposed settlement, and Court frowns on Bayer’s proposed Roundup class-action settlement

Attorney for Roundup Cancer Plaintiffs Arrested on Criminal Charges

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The legal drama surrounding the mass tort Roundup cancer litigation just got ratcheted up a notch. Federal criminal charges were filed this week against attorney Timothy Litzenburg alleging the 37-year-old lawyer demanded $200 million in “consulting fees” in exchange for keeping quiet about information that he threatened would be potentially devastating to a chemical compound Attorney for Roundup Cancer Plaintiffs Arrested on Criminal Charges

Meet the Merchants of Poison: Front groups Bayer uses to defend glyphosate

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Monsanto and Bayer’s PR helpers are an industry unto themselves.

Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists

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By Stacy Malkan (updated May 17, 2019) DeWayne Johnson, a 46-year-old father dying of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, was the first person to face Monsanto in trial in 2018 over allegations the company hid evidence about the cancer-causing dangers of its Roundup weedkiller. Juries have since returned with three unanimous verdicts finding that glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides were Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists

Moms Exposed to Monsanto Weed Killer Means Bad Outcomes for Babies

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Concerns about the world’s most widely used herbicide are taking a new twist as researchers unveil data that indicates pervasive use of Monsanto Co.’s weed killer could be linked to pregnancy problems. Researchers looking at exposure to the herbicide known as glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup branded herbicides, said they tested and tracked Moms Exposed to Monsanto Weed Killer Means Bad Outcomes for Babies

USDA Drops Plan to Test for Monsanto Weed Killer in Food

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By Carey Gillam The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly dropped a plan to start testing food for residues of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used weed killer and the key ingredient in Monsanto Co.’s branded Roundup herbicides. The agency spent the last year coordinating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and USDA Drops Plan to Test for Monsanto Weed Killer in Food

Canadians Report Weed Killer Detected in 30 Percent of Food Tested

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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has gone where the U.S. government dares not tread – testing thousands of foods commonly consumed by its citizens for residues of a controversial herbicide linked to cancer. And the findings are less than appetizing. The agency said it found the pesticide known as glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto Canadians Report Weed Killer Detected in 30 Percent of Food Tested

Monsanto Spin Doctors Target Cancer Scientist In Flawed Reuters Story

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In a well-orchestrated and highly coordinated media coup, Monsanto Co. and friends this week dropped a bombshell on opponents who are seeking to prove that the company’s beloved Roundup herbicide causes cancer. A widely circulated story published June 14 in the global news outlet Reuters (for which I formerly worked) laid out what appeared to Monsanto Spin Doctors Target Cancer Scientist In Flawed Reuters Story

Collusion or Coincidence? Records Show EPA Efforts to Slow Herbicide Review Came in Coordination with Monsanto

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Newly released government email communications show a persistent effort by multiple officials within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to slow a separate federal agency’s safety review of Monsanto’s top-selling herbicide. Notably, the records demonstrate that the EPA efforts came at the behest of Monsanto, and that EPA officials were helpful enough to keep the chemical Collusion or Coincidence? Records Show EPA Efforts to Slow Herbicide Review Came in Coordination with Monsanto

Impossible Burger Fails to Inspire Trust in the GMO Industry

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By Stacy Malkan For anyone who wonders why consumers aren’t inspired to trust the GMO industry, consider this bizarre rant from Impossible Foods Chief Communications Officer Rachel Konrad in defense of the Impossible Burger, a veggie burger made more meat-like via genetically engineered yeast. Konrad was upset that a story in Bloomberg raised concerns about the Impossible Burger Fails to Inspire Trust in the GMO Industry

How academics, universities help pesticide companies with PR and product defense

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Read what the Monsanto documents reveal about the key role academics and universities play in pesticide industry product-defense efforts to protect glyphosate and the GMO seeds designed to tolerate the chemical.

GMO Answers is a marketing campaign funded by pesticide companies

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GMO Answers is billed as a forum where consumers can get straight answers from independent experts about genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and pesticides. Some journalists have taken it seriously as an unbiased source. But the evidence shows that GMO Answer is an industry funded marketing tool to spin GMOs in a positive light. Documents described GMO Answers is a marketing campaign funded by pesticide companies

Mark Lynas’ inaccurate, deceptive promotions for GMOs and pesticides

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Mark Lynas is a former journalist turned public relations advocate for genetically engineered foods and pesticides. He makes inaccurate claims about those products from his perch at the Gates Foundation-funded Cornell Alliance for Science (which has dropped “Cornell” from its name). The Alliance for Science is a PR campaign that trains spokespeople and creates networks Mark Lynas’ inaccurate, deceptive promotions for GMOs and pesticides

Monsanto’s campaign against U.S. Right To Know: Read the documents

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In 2021, the Society for Professional Journalists, NorCal chapter, honored U.S. Right to Know with the James Madison Freedom of Information Awards for our work obtaining internal corporate documents that showed how Monsanto recruited public university professors to support its PR goals. Concerned that our research would uncover its influence in academic circles, Monsanto “created Monsanto’s campaign against U.S. Right To Know: Read the documents

Report from the Glyphosate Daubert Hearings

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Update 3/19: Judge Chhabria ordered an additional hearing for two of the plaintiffs’ witnesses. Follow Carey Gillam on Twitter for more updates about the legislation and we continue to post documents on our Monsanto Papers page. Court Transcripts from Daubert Hearings Friday March 9 transcript Thursday March 8 transcript Wednesday March 7 transcript Tuesday March Report from the Glyphosate Daubert Hearings

Challenge eyed to class action plan for Bayer Roundup settlement

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A plan to delay any new Roundup cancer claims for years and shift the key question of whether or not the weed killer causes cancer from a jury to a hand-picked panel of scientists faces potential opposition from some of the plaintiffs’ attorneys who initiated and led the mass tort claims against Roundup maker Monsanto, Challenge eyed to class action plan for Bayer Roundup settlement

Another St. Louis Roundup Cancer Trial Officially Postponed Until 2020

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A trial set to start next week over claims that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killers cause cancer has been postponed until at least next year, according to a judge’s ruling on Friday. The trial would have been the first of its kind to take place in the St. Louis area, Monsanto’s hometown before the company sold Another St. Louis Roundup Cancer Trial Officially Postponed Until 2020

Merchants of Poison webinar: The high stakes of pesticide industry disinformation

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Based on internal corporate documents, the Merchants of Poison report offers a rare look inside the science denial and disinformation tactics Monsanto used to defend its profits from glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer. In this webinar, report author Stacy Malkan of U.S. Right to Know shares five core tactics the company and other pesticide Merchants of Poison webinar: The high stakes of pesticide industry disinformation

Bay Area Man vs. Monsanto: First Trial Over Roundup Cancer Claims Set to Begin

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By Carey Gillam Dewayne “Lee” Johnson has led what many might call an unremarkable life. The 46-year-old father and husband spent several years working as a school groundskeeper and spending free time teaching his two young sons to play football. But this week he takes center stage in a global debate over the safety of Bay Area Man vs. Monsanto: First Trial Over Roundup Cancer Claims Set to Begin

New weed killer studies raise concern for reproductive health

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As Bayer AG seeks to discount concerns that Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicides cause cancer, several new studies are raising questions about the chemical’s potential impact on reproductive health. An assortment of animal studies released this summer indicate that glyphosate exposures impact reproductive organs and could threaten fertility, adding fresh evidence that the weed killing agent might New weed killer studies raise concern for reproductive health

A Story Behind the Monsanto Cancer Trial — Journal Sits on Retraction

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What “ghostwriting” by Monsanto means, how it has influenced, and still is influencing, material found in peer-reviewed scientific journals Thisarticlewasoriginallypublishedin EnvironmentalHealthNews. By Carey Gillam and Nathan Donley Consumers and journalists around the world were stunned earlier this month when Monsanto, after being forced in a court of law for the first time to defend the A Story Behind the Monsanto Cancer Trial — Journal Sits on Retraction

New study finds glyphosate-related alterations in gut microbiome

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A new animal study by a group of European researchers has found that low levels of the weed killing chemical glyphosate and the glyphosate-based Roundup product can alter the composition of the gut microbiome in ways that may be linked to adverse health outcomes. The paper, published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, is New study finds glyphosate-related alterations in gut microbiome

Key court hearing Wednesday in Bayer cancer liability litigation

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(UPDATED May 18 with pretrial order) As Bayer AG works to put an end to costly litigation over alleged connections between Roundup herbicide and cancer, the company faces a critical hearing on Wednesday in federal court in San Francisco. At issue in the hearing is a proposed $2 billion class action settlement structured by Bayer Key court hearing Wednesday in Bayer cancer liability litigation

New analysis of glyphosate industry studies finds them outdated, flawed

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See Carey Gillam’s article in The Guardian, Corporate studies asserting herbicide safety show many flaws, new analysis finds (July 2, 2021). In this post we provide links to the 53 once-secret studies and related materials. Questions about the safety of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) have persisted for years, as scientific research has split over whether or New analysis of glyphosate industry studies finds them outdated, flawed

Sparks to Fly in Closing Arguments at Third Roundup Cancer Trial

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After two costly courtroom losses, lawyers for Monsanto and its German owner Bayer AG on Wednesday were set to make closing arguments in what is the third trial brought by people who blame their cancers on use of Monsanto’s Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killer brands. Plaintiffs Alva and Alberta Pilliod, a married couple in Sparks to Fly in Closing Arguments at Third Roundup Cancer Trial

Up Next – Trial In Monsanto’s Hometown Set for August After $2 Billion Roundup Cancer Verdict

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After three stunning courtroom losses in California, the legal battle over the safety of Monsanto’s top-selling Roundup herbicide is headed for the company’s hometown, where corporate officials can be forced to appear on the witness stand, and legal precedence shows a history of anti-corporate judgments. Sharlean Gordon, an cancer-stricken woman in her 50s, is the Up Next – Trial In Monsanto’s Hometown Set for August After $2 Billion Roundup Cancer Verdict

“Serious, Deadly Injury” Cited in New Appeals Court Filing Over Roundup Cancer Claims

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ACalifornia appeals court should reject efforts by Monsanto to overturn a jury verdict awarding millions of dollars to a school groundskeeper and approve $250 million in punitive damages the jury ordered a year ago this month in the first Roundup cancer trial, according to a brief in the case filed Monday. The brief filed by “Serious, Deadly Injury” Cited in New Appeals Court Filing Over Roundup Cancer Claims

SF Roundup Case Demonstrates Importance of Independence in Scientific Evidence

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Thisarticlewas originally published in the San Francisco Chronicle. By Nathan Donley and Carey Gillam It’s been three weeks since a San Francisco jury found that exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicides contributed to former school groundskeeper Dewayne “Lee” Johnson’s terminal cancer and awarded a stunning $289 million in damages to the 46-year-old father. And during that SF Roundup Case Demonstrates Importance of Independence in Scientific Evidence

Six Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trials Set for January

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After several months out of the headlines, lawyers for both sides of the nationwide Roundup cancer litigation are gearing up for overlapping trials in the new year as several more cancer patients seek to blame Monsanto for their diseases. Six trials are currently set to take place starting in January, with one in February, two Six Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trials Set for January

Bayer settles U.S. Roundup, dicamba and PCB litigation for more than $10 billion

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In an expensive clean-up of Monsanto litigation messes, Bayer AG said Wednesday that it will pay out more than $10 billion to settle tens of thousands of U.S. claims brought against Monsanto over its Roundup herbicide, as well as $400 million to resolve lawsuits over Monsanto’s dicamba herbicide and $650 million for PCB pollution claims. Bayer settles U.S. Roundup, dicamba and PCB litigation for more than $10 billion

Thailand’s reversal on glyphosate ban came after Bayer scripted U.S. intervention, documents show

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A year ago Thailand was set to ban the widely used weed killing chemical glyphosate, a move applauded by public health advocates because of evidence the chemical causes cancer, along with other harms to people and the environment. But under heavy pressure from U.S. officials, Thailand’s government reversed the planned ban on glyphosate last November Thailand’s reversal on glyphosate ban came after Bayer scripted U.S. intervention, documents show

FDA Tests Confirm Oatmeal, Baby Foods Contain Residues of Monsanto Weed Killer

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is quietly starting to test certain foods for residues of a weed killing chemical linked to cancer, has found the residues in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies. Data compiled by an FDA chemist and presented to other chemists at a FDA Tests Confirm Oatmeal, Baby Foods Contain Residues of Monsanto Weed Killer

What Is Going On With Glyphosate? EPA’s Odd Handling of Controversial Chemical

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By Carey Gillam The Environmental Protection Agency’s ongoing risk assessment of the world’s most widely used herbicide is starting to generate more questions than answers. On Monday, it also generated a giant “oops” from the EPA. On Friday, April 29, the EPA posted on its website a series of documents related to its long-awaited risk What Is Going On With Glyphosate? EPA’s Odd Handling of Controversial Chemical

IARC Scientists Defend Glyphosate Cancer Link; Surprised by Industry Assault

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Don’t mess with Monsanto Co. That is the message being delivered right now by the agrichemical industry as it makes a full-fledged assault on the team of international cancer scientists who dared to declare cancerous connections to the widely used herbicide called glyphosate, the chief ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup brand. Industry swagger is on full IARC Scientists Defend Glyphosate Cancer Link; Surprised by Industry Assault

Questions about EPA-Monsanto collusion raised in cancer lawsuits

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Now it’s getting interesting. A new court filing made on behalf of dozens of people claiming Monsanto Co.’s Roundup herbicide gave them cancer includes information about alleged efforts within the Environmental Protection Agency to protect Monsanto’s interests and unfairly aid the agrichemical industry. The filing, made late Friday by plaintiff’s attorneys, includes what the attorneys Questions about EPA-Monsanto collusion raised in cancer lawsuits

Of Mice, Monsanto and a Mysterious Tumor

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Call it the case of the mysterious mouse tumor. It’s been 34 years since Monsanto Co. presented U.S. regulators with a seemingly routine study analyzing the effects the company’s best-selling herbicide might have on rodents. Now, that study is once again under the microscope, emerging as a potentially pivotal piece of evidence in litigation brought Of Mice, Monsanto and a Mysterious Tumor

First Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial Underway

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Related coverage: Landmark Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid Cancer Danger of Weedkiller for Decades, by Carey Gillam in The Guardian First Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial Jury Selection, Carey Gillam’s blog By Carey Gillam Let the battle begin.Opening statements are slated for Monday in the landmark legal case that for the first time puts Monsanto and its First Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial Underway

See the Email Trail Showing Influence Peddling by Press Association to Bayer

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Journalists around the globe have reacted with outrage to revelations published in The Guardian this week that show Thanos Dimadis, the former executive director of the Foreign Press Foundation, offered an unusual arrangement to Bayer AG that called for using the press organization, which is dedicated to protecting a free press, in ways that would See the Email Trail Showing Influence Peddling by Press Association to Bayer