Menthol cigarettes linked to higher death risk, especially for Black smokers, new study shows

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Menthol cigarette smokers had a higher risk of dying from any health cause, including heart disease, compared to former non-menthol cigarette smokers, according to what researchers say is the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind.

Aspartame: Decades of science point to serious health risks

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Dozens of studies have linked aspartame — the world’s most widely used artificial sweetener — to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, as well as negative effects such as intestinal dysbiosis, mood disorders, headaches and migraines.

Are Coke and Pepsi Lying to You About Diet Soda?

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In what appears to be a truly classic case of false advertising, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo call their artificially sweetened colas Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. Why false advertising? It turns out that in recent years, many scientific studies link artificial sweeteners to weight gain, not weight loss. That’s right. Artificial sweeteners are linked to weight Are Coke and Pepsi Lying to You About Diet Soda?

Independent Women’s Forum: Koch-Funded Group Defends Pesticide, Oil, Tobacco Industries

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The Independent Women’s Forum is a nonprofit organization that partners with Monsanto, defends toxic chemicals in food and consumer products, and argues against laws that would curb the power of corporations. Funded largely by right-wing foundations that push climate science denial, IWF beganin 1991 as an effort to defend now Supreme Court Justice (and former Independent Women’s Forum: Koch-Funded Group Defends Pesticide, Oil, Tobacco Industries

GMOs 2.0: Is Synthetic Biology Heading to a Food or Drink Near You?

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This article was originally published in Huffington Post. By Stacy Malkan Our culture is smitten with the notion that technology can save us – or at least create great business opportunities! Cargill, for example, is working on a new food technology that mimics stevia, a sugar substitute derived from plant leaves, for the “exploding sports GMOs 2.0: Is Synthetic Biology Heading to a Food or Drink Near You?

Gene Editing Mishaps Highlight Need for FDA Oversight

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A Midwestern company’s quest to genetically engineer the world’s first hornless dairy cows hit a snag this summer when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found extra genes in the cows that weren’t supposed to be there. The mistakes that FDA caught – but the company missed – highlight the importance of government oversight of Gene Editing Mishaps Highlight Need for FDA Oversight

USDA Drops Plan to Test for Monsanto Weed Killer in Food

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By Carey Gillam The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly dropped a plan to start testing food for residues of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used weed killer and the key ingredient in Monsanto Co.’s branded Roundup herbicides. The agency spent the last year coordinating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and USDA Drops Plan to Test for Monsanto Weed Killer in Food

Tests Show Monsanto Weed Killer in Cheerios, Other Popular Foods

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Independent testing on an array of popular American food products found many samples contained residue levels of the weed killer called glyphosate, leading the nonprofit organization behind the testing to call for corporate and regulatory action to address consumer safety concerns. The herbicide residues were found in cookies, crackers, popular cold cereals and chips commonly Tests Show Monsanto Weed Killer in Cheerios, Other Popular Foods

Canadians Report Weed Killer Detected in 30 Percent of Food Tested

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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has gone where the U.S. government dares not tread – testing thousands of foods commonly consumed by its citizens for residues of a controversial herbicide linked to cancer. And the findings are less than appetizing. The agency said it found the pesticide known as glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto Canadians Report Weed Killer Detected in 30 Percent of Food Tested

FDA Suspends Testing for Glyphosate Residues in Food

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By Carey Gillam Government testing for residues of an herbicide that has been linked to cancer has been put on hold, slowing the Food and Drug Administration’s first-ever endeavor to get a handle on just how much of the controversial chemical is making its way into U.S. foods. The FDA, the nation’s chief food safety FDA Suspends Testing for Glyphosate Residues in Food

FDA Resumes Testing Foods For Weed Killer, Safety Questions Grow

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has resumed its first-ever endeavor to evaluate how much of a controversial chemical is making its way into the U.S. food supply. And the tests can’t come soon enough as safety concerns about the herbicide known as glyphosate grow. The FDA, the nation’s chief food safety regulator, launched what FDA Resumes Testing Foods For Weed Killer, Safety Questions Grow

Sucralose: Emerging science reveals health risks

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Key scientific studiesHistory of deceptive marketing Sucralose is the most widely used artificial sweetener in the United States. Most commonly sold under the brand name Splenda, sucralose is used in over 6,000 food products. It is often found in “diet” sodas including Diet Coke with Splenda, Diet Pepsi with Splenda, as well as Gatorade’s Propel Sucralose: Emerging science reveals health risks

Aspartame is tied to weight gain, increased appetite and obesity

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Science on weight gain and obesity related issuesIndustry scienceIs “diet” deceptive marketing?Scientific references Aspartame, one of the world’s most popular sugar substitutes, is found in thousands of sugar-free, low-sugar and so-called “diet” drinks and foods. Yet the scientific evidence described in this fact sheet links aspartame to weight gain, increased appetite, diabetes, metabolic derangement and Aspartame is tied to weight gain, increased appetite and obesity

FDA Finds Monsanto’s Weed Killer In U.S. Honey

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By Carey Gillam The Food and Drug Administration, under public pressure to start testing samples of U.S. food for the presence of a pesticide that has been linked to cancer, has some early findings that are not so sweet. In examining honey samples from various locations in the United States, the FDA has found fresh FDA Finds Monsanto’s Weed Killer In U.S. Honey

Internal FDA Emails: Weedkiller Found in Granola and Crackers

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This article was originally published in the Guardian. By Carey Gillam US government scientists have detected a weedkiller linked to cancer in an array of commonly consumed foods, emails obtained through a freedom of information request show. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been testing food samples for residues of glyphosate, the active ingredient Internal FDA Emails: Weedkiller Found in Granola and Crackers

The Junk Food Industry Loved FDA’s Margaret Hamburg

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Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, announced yesterday that she would soon leave her post. Here’s one easy way to tell that she was a greater friend to the junk food industry than to consumers: Pamela Bailey, president and chief executive officer of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, told Food Business News The Junk Food Industry Loved FDA’s Margaret Hamburg

Chemicals on Our Food: When “Safe” May Not Really Be Safe

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Scientific scrutiny of pesticide residue in food grows; regulatory protections questioned This article was originally published in Environmental Health News. By Carey Gillam Weed killers in wheat crackers and cereals, insecticides in apple juice and a mix of multiple pesticides in spinach, string beans and other veggies – all are part of the daily diets Chemicals on Our Food: When “Safe” May Not Really Be Safe

Glyphosate ‘Revolution’ Growing — Consumers Want Answers

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By Carey Gillam They’re calling it a glyphosate “revolution.” Consumers around the world are waking up to the fact that they’re living in a world awash in the weed-killing pesticide known as glyphosate. And they don’t like it one bit. Over the last several years, some scientists have been warning that the long-touted environmental and Glyphosate ‘Revolution’ Growing — Consumers Want Answers

Broken FOIA Far from Healing as U.S. Agencies Cheat Public

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In America, one of the fundamental principles of our democracy is that our government works for us. We are supposed to have a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” as President Abraham Lincoln famously said. To help ensure that principle is upheld we recognize that public access to information about government Broken FOIA Far from Healing as U.S. Agencies Cheat Public

More Bad News for Honey as U.S. Seeks to Get Handle on Glyphosate Residues in Foods

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Testing for residues of an herbicide developed by Monsanto Co. that has been linked to cancer has turned up high levels in honey from the key farm state of Iowa, adding to concerns about herbicide contamination that have triggered at least two lawsuits against honey industry players and prompted scrutiny by regulators. The Food and More Bad News for Honey as U.S. Seeks to Get Handle on Glyphosate Residues in Foods

New Data on Pesticides in Food Raises Safety Questions

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As Americans gather their families to share a Thanksgiving meal this week, new government data offers a potentially unappetizing assessment of the U.S. food supply: Residues of many types of insecticides, fungicides and weed killing chemicals have been found in roughly 85 percent of thousands of foods tested. Data released last week by the U.S. New Data on Pesticides in Food Raises Safety Questions

Hold the Plum Pudding: US Food Sampling Shows Troubling Pesticide Residues

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By Carey Gillam Sometimes the truth about our food is not very appetizing. As many gather this holiday season for shared family meals, it is likely that they’ll be serving up small doses of pesticides with each plate passed, including a prevalent type shown to be harmful to children and reproductive health. New data released Hold the Plum Pudding: US Food Sampling Shows Troubling Pesticide Residues

FDA FOIA Documents Regarding Glyphosate Residue Testing

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The Food and Drug Administration has responded to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information regarding its efforts to start testing food samples for residues of glyphosate as well as some other herbicides, including 2, 4-D. Many of those documents can be accessed below: FDA FOIA 2017-7005 FDA FOIA 2017-7005 part 2 FDA Final FDA FOIA Documents Regarding Glyphosate Residue Testing

American Beverage Association — key facts

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Summary * TheAmerican Beverage Association is a trade group for the soda, soft drink and junk food industries *ABA was previously called the National Soft Drink Association *Some U.S. soft drinks contained BVO, a flame retardant; ABA says “so is water!” *While ABA defends use of a flame retardant in soda, Coke and Pepsi announced American Beverage Association — key facts

An Unappetizing Analysis from the FDA

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Last month the Food & Drug Administration published its latest annual analysis of the levels of pesticide residues that contaminate the fruits and veggies and other foods we Americans routinely put on our dinner plates. The fresh data adds to growing consumer concern and scientific debate over how pesticide residues in food may contribute – An Unappetizing Analysis from the FDA

As Roundup cancer lawsuits surge, Monsanto fights to keep PR work secret

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As Monsanto continues to battle legal claims over alleged dangers of its widely used Roundup herbicides, the company is trying to block orders to turn over internal records about its work with public relations and strategic consulting contractors. In a series of filings in St. Louis Circuit Court, Monsanto argues that it should not have As Roundup cancer lawsuits surge, Monsanto fights to keep PR work secret

Some U.S. Roundup plaintiffs balk at signing Bayer settlement deals; $160,000 average payout eyed

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Plaintiffs in the U.S. Roundup litigation are starting to learn the details of what Bayer AG’s $10 billion settlement of cancer claims actually means for them individually, and some are not liking what they see. Bayer said in late June it had negotiated settlements with several major plaintiffs’ law firms in a deal that would Some U.S. Roundup plaintiffs balk at signing Bayer settlement deals; $160,000 average payout eyed

Weed Killer Residues Found in 98 Percent of Canadian Honey Samples

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Study is the latest evidence that glyphosate herbicides are so pervasive that residues can be found in foods not produced by farmers using glyphosate. This article was originally published in Environmental Health News. By Carey Gillam As U.S. regulators continue to dance around the issue of testing foods for residues of glyphosate weed killers, government Weed Killer Residues Found in 98 Percent of Canadian Honey Samples

Fresh talk of a settlement between Bayer and Roundup cancer patients

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There was renewed talk of a potential settlement this week between Bayer AG and tens of thousands of cancer patients as a key court hearing looms next week. According to a report in Bloomberg, lawyers for Bayer have reached verbal agreements with U.S. lawyers representing at least 50,000 plaintiffs who are suing Monsanto over claims Fresh talk of a settlement between Bayer and Roundup cancer patients

Monsanto Makes New Bid to Block St. Louis Trial

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Less than a month away from what would be the fourth Roundup cancer trial to pit cancer victims against the former agrochemical giant Monsanto Co., lawyers for the opposing sides continue to battle over how, when and where the case should – or should not – be heard. Lawyers for Monsanto and for its German Monsanto Makes New Bid to Block St. Louis Trial

Emails Reveal Science Publisher Found Papers On Herbicide Safety Should Be Retracted Due to Monsanto Meddling

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Secretive influence by Monsanto in a set of papers published in the scientific journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology was so unethical that an investigation by the publisher found that at least three of the papers should be retracted, according to a series of internal journal communications. The journal editor refused to retract the papers,  which Emails Reveal Science Publisher Found Papers On Herbicide Safety Should Be Retracted Due to Monsanto Meddling

How National Geographic Got it Wrong on GMO Science

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Judging a book, or in this case a magazine article, by it’s cover, I was prepared to dislike Joel Achenbach’s “War on Science” story in National Geographic. Turns out it’s an insightful, beautifully written piece about the psychology that influences scientific belief. Too bad Achenbach got it wrong on the science of genetic engineering, and How National Geographic Got it Wrong on GMO Science

U.S. Review of GMOs Finds Risks, Rewards; Calls for Transparency

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By Carey Gillam A new study  of genetically modified crop technology by the  National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine  offers a mix of observations about the controversial crops, and takes U.S. regulators to task for an ongoing lack of transparency that is fueling distrust by consumers and calls for mandatory labeling of GMO foods. U.S. Review of GMOs Finds Risks, Rewards; Calls for Transparency