About U.S. Right to Know

U.S. Right to Know is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public health research group. We investigate corporate wrongdoing and government failures that threaten our health, environment or food system. We work in the public interest to help keep families healthy.

We uncover, report on and share documents obtained through public records laws and from whistleblowers, and collaborate with public health academics and journalists around the world. Our investigations into the pesticide and ultra-processed food industries have been reported on worldwide, leading to four New York Times articles; more than a dozen articles in the BMJ, one of the world’s leading medical journals; and 16 co-authored peer-reviewed public health journal articles. Our team has also reported extensively on the origins of Covid-19 and high-risk virological research.

A Lancet Global Health report named U.S. Right to Know as an example of public health investigative work that challenges the corporate playbook. See links to our extensive global news coverage.

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Donors & IRS filings

Our major donors and IRS filings are available here.

We hope you will support our right to know and help expand our investigations by donating today.

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