
What’s in Roundup? Internal EPA Documents Show Scramble for Data

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By Carey Gillam As agrochemical giant  Monsanto Co.  faces a growing wave of U.S. lawsuits over its top-selling  Roundup herbicide line, among its key defense arguments is that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long backed the safety of the weed-killing products. And indeed, the EPA has been a stalwart supporter of Monsanto Co.’s What’s in Roundup? Internal EPA Documents Show Scramble for Data

My Friend Died from Cancer Today

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By Carey Gillam My friend died from cancer today. His was a short, eight-month-long battle for survival, but it was a brutal one. Now his wife and young children are not planning for Christmas; instead they are planning his funeral. This man’s passing is a tragedy for his family and friends to be sure. But My Friend Died from Cancer Today

Corporate power, not public interest, at root of science committee hearing on IARC

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(First published in Environmental Health News) Score another point for corporate power over protection of the public. U.S. Rep Lamar Smith, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, & Technology, has slated  a full committee hearing  for Feb. 6 with an agenda aimed squarely at attacking some of the world’s top Corporate power, not public interest, at root of science committee hearing on IARC

EPA Glyphosate Registration Review Public Comments Now Due

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For anyone interested in commenting on the EPA’s latest safety review of the weed killing chemical glyphosate: Docket ID:EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0361 Abstract:Federal Register for Tuesday, February 27, 2018 (83 FR 8476) (FRL–9973–07) EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–0720; Registration Review; Draft Human Health and/or Ecological Risk Assessments for Several Pesticides; Notice of Availability Document Type:Notice Status:Posted Received Date:Feb 27, 2018 FR Citation:83 EPA Glyphosate Registration Review Public Comments Now Due

Controversy, questions surround California’s listing of weed killer as cancer cause

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By Carey Gillam This article originally appeared in Environmental Health News  on July 7, 2017. California’s official listing today of the world’s most widely used weed killer as a known carcinogen marks a milestone in what has been years of debate over the safety of the pesticide called glyphosate. But it by no means marks Controversy, questions surround California’s listing of weed killer as cancer cause