Grocery Manufacturers Association

Jay Byrne: Meet the man behind USAID-funded attacks on pesticide critics

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Monsanto’s former Director of Corporate Communications Jay Byrne, president of the public relations firm v-Fluence, is a key player in the covert propaganda and lobbying campaigns of the world’s largest agrichemical companies. Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know, posted in the UCSF Chemical Industry Documents Archive, reveal a range of deceptive tactics Byrne and Jay Byrne: Meet the man behind USAID-funded attacks on pesticide critics

Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists

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By Stacy Malkan (updated May 17, 2019) DeWayne Johnson, a 46-year-old father dying of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, was the first person to face Monsanto in trial in 2018 over allegations the company hid evidence about the cancer-causing dangers of its Roundup weedkiller. Juries have since returned with three unanimous verdicts finding that glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides were Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists

IFIC explainer: How Big Food defends ultra-processed foods, pesticides, artificial sweeteners

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The International Food Information Council (IFIC), a trade group funded by large food and pesticide companies, misleads the public about diet and health, according to documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know. IFIC is widely cited in the media as a source on issues related to food and health. IFIC and its nonprofit foundation spend IFIC explainer: How Big Food defends ultra-processed foods, pesticides, artificial sweeteners

The Junk Food Industry Loved FDA’s Margaret Hamburg

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Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, announced yesterday that she would soon leave her post. Here’s one easy way to tell that she was a greater friend to the junk food industry than to consumers: Pamela Bailey, president and chief executive officer of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, told Food Business News The Junk Food Industry Loved FDA’s Margaret Hamburg

Center for Food Integrity: PR for processed foods, pesticides and GMOs

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The Center for Food Integrity (CFI), formerly the Grow America Project, is an industry-funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that conducts research, lobbying and public relations campaigns to “earn consumer trust” for processed food and agrichemical companies, including DowDuPont, Monsanto, Cargill, Costco, Grocery Manufacturers Association, Hershey, Kroger and trade associations for meat, dairy and soybeans. In the Center for Food Integrity: PR for processed foods, pesticides and GMOs

An Open Letter to Professor Kevin Folta on FOIA Requests

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Dear Professor Folta: Yesterday there was some news coverage and commentary about our use of the state Freedom of Information Acts to obtain the correspondence of professors who wrote for the agrichemical industry’s PR website, GMO Answers. We’re glad to have a public conversation about this topic with the professors involved. We believe that transparency An Open Letter to Professor Kevin Folta on FOIA Requests

Big Campaign Cash for Clinton from Monsanto Lobbyist

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A Monsanto Co. lobbyist, who is seen as Hillary Clinton’s “main man” inIowa, was among the top financial bundlers of contributions to benefit Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House in the most recent quarter, new Federal Election Commission reports show. Jerry Crawford of the Crawford & Mauro Law Firm in Des Moines, Iowa, bundled Big Campaign Cash for Clinton from Monsanto Lobbyist

Trump Talk Of Pompeo For Cabinet Could Spell Setback For Consumers

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News that President-elect Donald Trump is considering U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo for a cabinet slot illustrates just how dark the days ahead might be for America’s burgeoning “food movement,” which has been advocating for more transparency and fewer pesticides in food production. Pompeo, a Republican from the farm state of Kansas, was the designated hitter Trump Talk Of Pompeo For Cabinet Could Spell Setback For Consumers

Grocery Manufacturers Association — key facts

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Summary * GMA is the leading trade group for the junk food industry * GMA hides list of its own corporate members *GMA was found guilty of money laundering *Opposed legislation to combat child slavery * Out of touch: 93 percent of Americans support GMO labeling, but GMA opposes it *Opposes mandatory food labeling, supports Grocery Manufacturers Association — key facts

The Future Of Food Needs Transparency And Integrity

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This article was originally published in Investor’s Business Daily . ByStacy Malkan and Carey Gillam “Food companies can’t figure out what Americans want to eat,” according to a June Wall Street Journal article. Food industry CEOs are “rushing for the exits,” WSJ reported in October, and the food lobby is “splintering,” Politico explained, as food The Future Of Food Needs Transparency And Integrity

American Beverage Association — key facts

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Summary * TheAmerican Beverage Association is a trade group for the soda, soft drink and junk food industries *ABA was previously called the National Soft Drink Association *Some U.S. soft drinks contained BVO, a flame retardant; ABA says “so is water!” *While ABA defends use of a flame retardant in soda, Coke and Pepsi announced American Beverage Association — key facts

Jack Abramoff’s Old Law Firm Now Lobbying Against GMO Labeling

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Food company CEO’s worried about losing the trust of the American public – not to mention huge market shares – might want to take note: their trade association has taken another tone-deaf step into the abyss by hiring a the law firm of a famous felon to do their dirty work. Yesterday, Politico reported that Jack Abramoff’s Old Law Firm Now Lobbying Against GMO Labeling

Fearful Food Industry Jeopardizing Public’s Right to Information

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I just don’t get it. Over the more than 20 years I have worked as a business journalist, I’ve always been motivated by a simple premise: Knowledge is power, and that power belongs with the public. The spread of information that people can use to make decisions – what to buy, what to eat, where Fearful Food Industry Jeopardizing Public’s Right to Information

For GMO Labeling Advocates, It Doesn’t Get Much Darker Than This

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This article was original published in Huffington Post. By Carey Gillam News Thursday that Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts and the committee’s ranking Senate Democrat Debbie Stabenow had finally sewn up  a deal on nationwide GMO labeling  left the food industry celebrating – but GMO labeling backers cursing – a law that will continue For GMO Labeling Advocates, It Doesn’t Get Much Darker Than This