Prenatal exposure to chemicals in food packaging, plastics may increase young children’s body fat, raise obesity risk 

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Phenol and phthalate exposure during pregnancy may be linked to higher fat mass in children as young as three years old, which can lead to obesity later in life, a new study shows.

Researchers also found these endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which break down quickly in the body and can interfere with growth and hormones, particularly estrogen, may have a greater effect on increasing fat in preschool girls than in boys.

Phenols and phthalates (plasticizers) are found in many plastics to make them more flexible and durable. Their uses range from plastic toys and food and food packaging, including plastic storage containers, to personal care products such as cosmetics and shampoos, among other items. Chemicals in these products can harm health when they leach into the environment and human body. 

Evidence linking the amount of body fat in children and phthalates and their substitutes has been inconsistent. However, this study, published this month in Environmental Research [Dec. 11, 2024], builds on research showing that these chemicals can cross the placental barrier, affecting development and potentially harming health during a critical period. 

The latest research also contributes to growing concerns about the potential health hazards of chemical substitutes (alternatives for chemicals proven to be harmful), which are less understood, while another report published this week [Dec. 19, 2024] suggests that prenatal exposure to EDCs might adversely affect the behavior of children, especially girls.

For instance, in phenols, researchers found higher levels of prenatal exposure to bisphenol S (BPS) in the second trimester of pregnancy were significantly linked to a 1.49% increase in fat mass in children at 3 years of age. BPS is a chemical substitute for bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to serious health problems. A previous study by some of the same co-authors suggested a similar relationship.

Researchers also found:

“Further research is necessary to explore the impact of prenatal exposure to DINCH on adiposity in later-life,” the researchers say. 

Higher fat mass could lead to obesity, disease later in life

At the same time, the researchers did not find significant links between exposure to chemicals after birth (in infant urine) and a higher percentage of fat mass at age 3. This might be because only one urine sample per day was used to measure postnatal exposure, which could lead to more variability and errors than using three samples per day during pregnancy, the researchers say.

“Our finding that exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy is linked to higher body fat in children, while exposure in early childhood isn’t, highlights how the time in the womb is especially sensitive to changes that can affect metabolism,” the researchers say. “This supports the idea that early development plays a key role in health later in life.”

Higher weight and increased body mass (BMI) are risk factors for obesity, a condition shared by 1 in 5 U.S. children and adolescents in the U.S., according to the CDC.

Childhood obesity, which has also been linked to PFAS exposure, often persists into adulthood. It’s also known to increase the risk factor of developing adult obesity and cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

Researchers recruited 341 mother-child pairs from the French SEPAGES cohort to assess their exposure to eight phenols (including five bisphenols), four parabens, 13 phthalate plasticizer metabolites (substances produced by the body when it processes these chemicals), and two other non-phthalate, plastic-related chemicals related to DINCH.

Mothers provided weekly pooled urine samples during pregnancy (three samples a day around 18 and 34 weeks of pregnancy), with one urine sample a day from babies at two months and 12 months old. The weekly urine pool exposures were measured by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Oslo.

Because of limited funding, the researchers could only measure phthalate metabolites in the two-month samples for 152 babies. Chemicals that could not be adequately detected were not included in the analysis.

At three years old, the children had clinical exams to calculate body fat percentage. These included standardized skinfold measurements, which use calipers to measure body fat just under the skin, and bioelectrical impedance tests, which are fast and use noninvasive electrical currents.

Of 379 children who attended the three-year visit, the researchers calculated fat mass for 341. Chemical data was available for all of their mothers. The three-year-olds on average weighed 14.6 kilograms (about 32 pounds) with 13.4% fat mass, the data shows. While BMI was similar, boys tended to have higher weight and a lower fat mass percentage than girls.

The researchers note that the sample size of the study is modest, limiting their ability to detect small effects. Also, they say they did not have available data regarding children’s diet and physical activity, which could affect outcomes.

To reduce your exposure to toxic ingredients in everyday products, choose items with simple formulas and avoid those with “fragrance” or vague “hidden” ingredients on the label. It’s also a good idea to avoid plastic food containers, which can leach chemicals. You can also find DIY recipes for easy-to-make personal care and cleaning products. 

For more information, check the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and EWG’s Skin Deep as well as apps such as the Think Dirty App, Clearya, and EWG’s Healthy Living app.


Colombini M, Heude B, Lyon-Caen S, et al. Early-life exposures to phenols, parabens and phthalates and fat mass at 3 years of age in the SEPAGES cohort. Environmental Research. Published online December 2024:120555. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2024.120555