A research contract gave multinational pesticide manufacturers ample influence over pesticide research conducted at a state university. Experts in research ethics found fault with the influence the contract gave the funders, and linked the situation to broader transparency failures in corporate-funded research. Resulting scientific studies only acknowledged the funds the pesticide manufacturers contributed to the … Research contract gave Bayer control of neonics study methods, but university researchers claim full credit
Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know suggest that top virologists may have privately discussed all theories of the pandemic origin in the days after they began outlining an article that dismissed the lab leak theory, reports Hill TV Live. See the interview with Emily Kopp, investigative reporter for U.S. Right to Know, and Ryan … Hill TV Live interview: Fauci, top virologists privately considered lab leak theory then turned on it, new docs show
One of the world’s most powerful food industry lobby groups is rebranding itself to better serve its food industry funders. This comes after years of academic articles – some of them based on documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know – and adverse coverage in major news outlets made it harder for the group to … Food industry lobby group ILSI rebrands (again) to duck critical news coverage
Top virologists may have continued privately discussing “all theories” of the pandemic’s origin in the days after they began outlining an influential article that dismissed the lab leak theory in February 2020, an email obtained by U.S. Right to Know suggests. The group — led by Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar and University of Sydney … FOIA reveals another secret call on COVID’s origin. The details are redacted.