
Sucralose: Emerging science reveals health risks

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Key scientific studiesHistory of deceptive marketing Sucralose is the most widely used artificial sweetener in the United States. Most commonly sold under the brand name Splenda, sucralose is used in over 6,000 food products. It is often found in “diet” sodas including Diet Coke with Splenda, Diet Pepsi with Splenda, as well as Gatorade’s Propel Sucralose: Emerging science reveals health risks

Email of intrigue: “IARC is killing us!”

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As researchers we often look to documents to shed new light on issues important to food policy. Sometimes, they simply reflect what we already know. That’s the case with one new communication string that adds to evidence of a far-reaching strategy by food industry players to discredit and diminish the world’s leading cancer research agency. Email of intrigue: “IARC is killing us!”