Stacy Malkan

Will Senate Democrats Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory on GMO Labeling?

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Update June 27: A new “compromise” bill announced by Senator Stabenow is “completely unacceptable” and worse than the original bill, say consumer advocates. Read the latest news here. By Stacy Malkan Nearly 90% of Americans say genetically engineered food should be labeled, with high support across all ages, races and political affiliations, according to a December Will Senate Democrats Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory on GMO Labeling?

Gates-Funded Cornell Group Misfires in Protest of Vandana Shiva

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Staging public protests seems like an odd way to depolarize a debate, yet the Cornell Alliance for Science—a public relations campaign funded by the Gates Foundation to “depolarize the charged debate” about GMOs—joined in a recent protest at Willamette University to confront Vandana Shiva, PhD, an Indian scholar, author and environmentalist. Joining self-described “science nerd” Gates-Funded Cornell Group Misfires in Protest of Vandana Shiva

Bill Gates’ plans to remake food systems will harm the climate

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By Stacy Malkan In his book on how to avoid a climate disaster, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates discusses his plans to model African food systems upon India’s “green revolution,” in which a plant scientist increased crop yields and saved a billion lives, according to Gates. The obstacle to implementing a similar overhaul in Africa, he Bill Gates’ plans to remake food systems will harm the climate

Oxford Real Farming Conference: The dirty truth about pesticides

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Stacy Malkan, co-founder of U.S. Right to Know and author of the report Merchants of Poison: How Monsanto Sold the World on a Toxic Pesticide, joined Donald Ikenna Ofoegbu, program coordinator of Heinrich Boell Stiftung and the Alliance for Action on Pesticide in Nigeria, and Josie Cohen, head of policy and campaigns for Pesticide Action Oxford Real Farming Conference: The dirty truth about pesticides

Why Is the Gates Foundation Funding a GMO Propaganda Campaign at Cornell?

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A new analysis by U.S. Right to Know published today in The Ecologist documents how millions of dollars from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are being used to run a propaganda campaign out of Cornell University that promotes GMOs and pesticides for the benefit of agrichemical corporations. The article documents how the Cornell Alliance Why Is the Gates Foundation Funding a GMO Propaganda Campaign at Cornell?

What Bill Gates Isn’t Telling You About GMOs

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Related reporting by U.S. Right to Know: Cornell Alliance for Science is a PR Campaign for the Agrichemical Industry Gates Funded Cornell Group Protests Vandana Shiva As the big food companies announce plans to label genetically engineered foods in the U.S., we take a closer look at pro and con arguments about the controversial food What Bill Gates Isn’t Telling You About GMOs