Philip Morris

Independent Women’s Forum: Koch-Funded Group Defends Pesticide, Oil, Tobacco Industries

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The Independent Women’s Forum is a nonprofit organization that partners with Monsanto, defends toxic chemicals in food and consumer products, and argues against laws that would curb the power of corporations. Funded largely by right-wing foundations that push climate science denial, IWF beganin 1991 as an effort to defend now Supreme Court Justice (and former Independent Women’s Forum: Koch-Funded Group Defends Pesticide, Oil, Tobacco Industries

Science Media Centre promotes corporate views of science

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The Science Media Centre (SMC) is a nonprofit public relations agency partially funded by corporations and industry groups whose products the group often defends. Current and past funders include BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Nestle, and food, chemical and nuclear industry trade organizations, as well as media groups, government agencies, foundations and universities. The SMC Science Media Centre promotes corporate views of science

The Future Of Food Needs Transparency And Integrity

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This article was originally published in Investor’s Business Daily . ByStacy Malkan and Carey Gillam “Food companies can’t figure out what Americans want to eat,” according to a June Wall Street Journal article. Food industry CEOs are “rushing for the exits,” WSJ reported in October, and the food lobby is “splintering,” Politico explained, as food The Future Of Food Needs Transparency And Integrity