Dr. Sainath Suryanarayanan is a staff scientist working on our investigations into neonicotinoids, bees, COVID-19 origins and biosafety. Sai is Associate Director of the Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sai’s contributions to debates about the politics of knowledge and ignorance, the place of non-scientists in knowledge production, and multi-species studies have appeared in multiple journals including Engaging Science Technology & Society, Environmental Humanities, The Guardian (UK), Social Studies of Science, and Science, Technology & Human Values.
He is the lead author of Vanishing Bees: Science, Politics and Honeybee Health (Rutgers University Press, 2017). He received his Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison in zoology and a Master of Science from UW-Madison in molecular and cellular pharmacology.
Contact Sai: sainath@usrtk.org
Follow Sai on Twitter: @sai_suryan