Month: July 2015

The Blind Spot in the Anti-Soda Crusade

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By Gail Sullivan Recent efforts to raise awareness about the adverse health effects of sugar prompt an important question: Are so-called “diet” drinks a good alternative? Campaigns to pass a soda tax and put warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages are based on strong scientific evidence showing a link between diabetes, obesity and consuming too much The Blind Spot in the Anti-Soda Crusade

Is Coke Illegally Claiming “Diet” Soda is a Treatment for Obesity?

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News Release For Immediate Release: Wednesday, July 1, 2015                           For More Information Contact: Gary Ruskin (415) 944-7350 Is Coke Illegally Claiming “Diet” Soda is a Treatment for Obesity? U.S. Right to Know, a consumer advocacy group, sent a letter today to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking it to stop the Coca-Cola Company from Is Coke Illegally Claiming “Diet” Soda is a Treatment for Obesity?