Rick Berman

Monsanto fingerprints found all over attack on organic food

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By Stacy Malkan When a reputable-sounding nonprofit organization released a report attacking the organic food industry in April 2014, the group went to great lengths to tout its independence. The 30-page report by Academics Review, described as “a non-profit led by independent academic experts in agriculture and food sciences,” found that consumers were being duped into spending more Monsanto fingerprints found all over attack on organic food

Academics Review: The making of a Monsanto front group to attack the organic industry

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Academics Review, a nonprofit organization launched in 2012, claimed to be an independent group, but documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know revealed it was a front group, set up with the help of Monsanto executives and public relations operatives, to attack the organic industry and critics of GMOs — while appearing to be independent. Academics Review: The making of a Monsanto front group to attack the organic industry

Gates-funded ‘Alliance for Science’ accused of peddling misinformation

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The Alliance for Science is a public relations campaign that trains spokespeople and creates networks of influence, particularly in African countries, to persuade the public and policymakers to accept GMOs and pesticides. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the effort in 2014 with a $5.6 million grant and has since donated $22 million to Gates-funded ‘Alliance for Science’ accused of peddling misinformation

Center for Consumer Freedom — key facts

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Summary *Founded in 1995 as the Guest Choice Network *Phillip Morris provided $600,000 in seed money for the organization * Restaurant, tobacco company funds were used to fight restaurant smoking bans * Over 40% of expenses funneled to Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) founder Rick Berman’s lobbying shop *Payments to Berman lobbying firm led Charity Center for Consumer Freedom — key facts