Phillip Morris

Climate Science Denial Network Funds Toxic Chemical Propaganda

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They promote GMOs and pesticides, defend toxic chemicals and junk food, and attack people who raise concerns about those products as “anti-science.” Yet Jon Entine, Trevor Butterworth and Henry Miller are funded by the same groups that finance climate-science denial. By Stacy Malkan British writer George Monbiot has a warning for those of us trying Climate Science Denial Network Funds Toxic Chemical Propaganda

The Rise of Anti-Women, Anti-Public Health Groups

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This article first appeared in Huffington Post. By Stacy Malkan At a recent soiree at Union Station, the DC power elite gathered in an anti-public health confab dressed up as a celebration of women that should concern anyone who cares about the health and rights of women and children. The Independent Women’s Forum drew an The Rise of Anti-Women, Anti-Public Health Groups

Monsanto’s fingerprints all over Newsweek’s hit on organic food

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Update: Newsweek’s bizarre response By Stacy Malkan “The campaign for organic food is a deceitful, expensive scam,” according to a Jan. 19 Newsweek article authored by Dr. Henry I. Miller of the Hoover Institution. If that name sounds familiar – Henry I. Miller – it may be because the New York Times recently revealed a Monsanto’s fingerprints all over Newsweek’s hit on organic food

Geoffrey Kabat’s ties to tobacco and chemical industry groups

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Geoffrey Kabat, PhD, is a cancer epidemiologist and author of two books arguing that that health hazards of pesticides, electromagnetic fields, secondhand tobacco smoke and other environmental exposures are “greatly overblown.” He is often quoted in the press as an independent expert on cancer risk. Reporters who use Dr. Kabat as a source should be Geoffrey Kabat’s ties to tobacco and chemical industry groups

Open Letter to STAT: It’s Time for Stronger Transparency Standards

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Dear Rick Berke and Gideon Gil, At a time when the public is questioning the legitimacy of news media – and science itself – it is important for health and science publications such as STAT to serve the public with as much truth and transparency as possible. We write to ask you to step forward Open Letter to STAT: It’s Time for Stronger Transparency Standards

Center for Consumer Freedom — key facts

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Summary *Founded in 1995 as the Guest Choice Network *Phillip Morris provided $600,000 in seed money for the organization * Restaurant, tobacco company funds were used to fight restaurant smoking bans * Over 40% of expenses funneled to Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) founder Rick Berman’s lobbying shop *Payments to Berman lobbying firm led Charity Center for Consumer Freedom — key facts