Julie Kelly

Jay Byrne: Meet the Man Behind the Monsanto PR Machine

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Monsanto’s former Director of Corporate Communications Jay Byrne, president of the public relations firm v-Fluence, is a key player in the covert propaganda and lobbying campaigns of the world’s largest agrichemical companies. Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know, posted in the UCSF Chemical Industry Documents Archive, reveal a range of deceptive tactics Byrne and Jay Byrne: Meet the Man Behind the Monsanto PR Machine

Julie Kelly cooks up propaganda for the pesticide industry

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Julie Kelly is a food writer and cooking instructor who emerged in 2015 as a fierce advocate for the agrichemical industry, with articles defending pesticides, arguing against GMO labeling and attacking the organic food industry. Her work has appeared in the National Review, The Hill, Huffington Post, the Wall Street Journal and Forbes. An award-winning Julie Kelly cooks up propaganda for the pesticide industry

Climate Science Denial Network Funds Toxic Chemical Propaganda

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They promote GMOs and pesticides, defend toxic chemicals and junk food, and attack people who raise concerns about those products as “anti-science.” Yet Jon Entine, Trevor Butterworth and Henry Miller are funded by the same groups that finance climate-science denial. By Stacy Malkan British writer George Monbiot has a warning for those of us trying Climate Science Denial Network Funds Toxic Chemical Propaganda

Why Forbes deleted Kavin Senapathy’s articles

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Kavin Senapathy emerged as a writer in 2015 with articles promoting GMOs, defending pesticides and attacking critics of the agrichemical industry, many of them published in Forbes. She does not disclose her funding sources. In 2017, Forbes deleted seven articles Senapathy co-authored with Henry I. Miller, a former Hoover Institution fellow, following revelations in the Why Forbes deleted Kavin Senapathy’s articles

SciBabe says eat your pesticides. But who is paying her?

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Blogging under the name SciBabe, Yvette d’Entremont defends toxic chemicals in food products and promotes pesticides as safe. She has received funding and honoraria from a variety of companies and industry groups. In 2017, the artificial sweetener company SPLENDA hired SciBabe to “debunk junk science” in defense of their product.SciBabe has been a featured speaker SciBabe says eat your pesticides. But who is paying her?

The Rise of Anti-Women, Anti-Public Health Groups

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This article first appeared in Huffington Post. By Stacy Malkan At a recent soiree at Union Station, the DC power elite gathered in an anti-public health confab dressed up as a celebration of women that should concern anyone who cares about the health and rights of women and children. The Independent Women’s Forum drew an The Rise of Anti-Women, Anti-Public Health Groups

Henry I. Miller’s long history of science denial and product defense

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Five years after a Monsanto ghostwriting scandal prompted Forbes to delete dozens of his articles, Dr. Miller joins the “full-time writing staff” of the corporate front group American Council on Science and Health.