Angelo Moretto

Reuters report that IARC ‘edited out’ findings is a false narrative

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Updates: Documents released in 2019 revealed Monsanto’s cozy connection to a Reuters reporter who wrote a series of articles critical of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). IARC issued a statement on Oct. 24, 2017 rejecting the “false claims” in a Reuters article claiming the cancer agency ‘edited out’ findings in its glyphosate Reuters report that IARC ‘edited out’ findings is a false narrative

International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a food industry lobby group

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The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a corporate-funded nonprofit organization based in Washington DC, with affiliated chapters around the world. ILSI describes itself as a group that conducts “science for the public good” and “improves human health and well-being and safeguards the environment.” However, investigations by academics, journalists and public interest researchers show that International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a food industry lobby group

How Tamar Haspel Misleads Readers of the Washington Post

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Tamar Haspel is a freelance journalist who has been writing monthly food columns for the Washington Post since October 2013. Her columns frequently promote and defend pesticide industry products, while she also receives payments to speak at industry-aligned events, and sometimes from industry groups. This practice of journalists receiving payments from industry groups, known as How Tamar Haspel Misleads Readers of the Washington Post

Reuters’ Kate Kelland promoted false narrative about IARC and Aaron Blair

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UPDATE January 2019: Documents filed in court  show that Monsanto provided Kate Kelland with the documents for her June 2017 story about Aaron Blair and gave her a slide deck of talking points the company wanted covered. For more details, see  Carey Gillam’s Roundup Trial Tracker post. The following analysis was prepared by Carey Gillam Reuters’ Kate Kelland promoted false narrative about IARC and Aaron Blair

Conflict of Interest Concerns Cloud Glyphosate Review

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By Carey Gillam It’s been a little more than a year since the World Health Organization’s (WHO) cancer research experts upended the agrichemical industry’s favorite child. The group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared the globe’s most widely used herbicide – glyphosate – to be a probable human carcinogen. Since then, Monsanto Conflict of Interest Concerns Cloud Glyphosate Review