American Soybean Association

The Dicamba Papers: Key documents and analysis

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Dozens of farmers around the United States are suing the former Monsanto Co., purchased in 2018 by Bayer AG, and conglomerate BASF in an effort to hold the companies accountable for millions of acres of crop damage the farmers claim is due to widespread illegal use of the weed killing chemical dicamba, use  promoted by The Dicamba Papers: Key documents and analysis

Grocery Manufacturers Association — key facts

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Summary * GMA is the leading trade group for the junk food industry * GMA hides list of its own corporate members *GMA was found guilty of money laundering *Opposed legislation to combat child slavery * Out of touch: 93 percent of Americans support GMO labeling, but GMA opposes it *Opposes mandatory food labeling, supports Grocery Manufacturers Association — key facts