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- Carey Gillam’s Roundup Trial Tracker blog: New Developments
- Emails show Monsanto orchestrated GOP effort to intimidate cancer researchers by Lee Fang (The Intercept) (8.23.19)
- Emails Reveal Science Publisher Found Papers On Herbicide Safety Should Be Retracted Due to Monsanto Meddling (USRTK) (8.23.19)
- Revealed: how Monsanto’s ‘intelligence center’ targeted journalists and activists by Sam Levin (The Guardian) (8.8.19)
- Documents Reveal Monsanto Surveilled Journalists, Activists & Even Musician Neil Young, Democracy Now! (8.9.19)
- I’m a journalist. Monsanto built a step-by-step strategy to destroy my reputation by Carey Gillam (The Guardian) (8.9.19)
- Monsanto’s campaign against U.S. Right to Know: key themes and documents (USRTK) (8.8.19)
- Bayer/Monsanto Silencing Journalists, Activists, and Scientists, interview with Carey Gillam (Real News Network) (8.13.19)
- Monsanto Considered “Legal Action” Against Neil Young, New Report Shows by Noah Yoo (Pitchfork) (8.10.19)
- How Monsanto manipulates journalists and academics by Carey Gillam (The Guardian) (6.2.2019)
- Bayer’s Shady PR Firms: The “Monsanto File” scandal and more revelations about PR tactics (USRTK) (5.21.19)
- Ticking time bomb? Cancer lawsuits mount for Monsanto over glyphosate (France 24 TV) (5.14.19)
- The EPA is meant to protect us. The Monsanto trials suggest it isn’t doing that by Carey Gillam (The Guardian) (5.7.19)
- Who’s paying for Monsanto’s crimes? We are by Carey Gillam (The Guardian) (3.30.19)
- Monsanto: Roundup substantial factor in man’s cancer, jury finds in key verdict by Sam Levin (The Guardian) (3.19.19)
- Des études sur le glyphosate révisées secrètement par Monsanto ( (2.21.19)
- Glyphosate : comment Monsanto mène sa guerre médiatique, Par Stéphane Foucart et Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (1.31.19)
- Bayer Pursued Monsanto Despite Weedkiller Suits and Executive Concerns, by Ruth Bender (WSJ) (11.25.2018)
- ‘Troubling allegations’ prompt Health Canada review of studies used to approve popular weed-killer, by Gil Shochat (CBC) (11.11.18)
- ‘The World is Against Them’: New Era of Cancer Lawsuits Threaten Monsanto, by Sam Levin and Carey Gillam (Guardian) (10.8.18)
- The Monsanto Papers, by Stephanie March (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (10.8.18)
- Monsanto’s Role In Roundup Safety Study is Corrected by Journal, by Joel Rosenblatt, Peter Waldman and Lydia Mulvany (Bloomberg) (9.26.18)
- A Story Behind the Monsanto Cancer Trial — Journal Sits on Retraction, by Carey Gillam and Nathan Donley (Environmental Health News) (8.22.18)
- Les “Monsanto Papers”, à la base de la controverse sur le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (8.11.18)
- One man’s suffering exposed Monsanto’s secrets to the world, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (8.11.18)
- Monsanto ordered to pay $289m as jury rules weedkiller caused man’s cancer, by Sam Levin (Guardian) (8.10.18)
- Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists, by Stacy Malkan (USRTK) (7.12.18)
- Monsanto ‘bullied scientists’ and hid weedkiller cancer risk, lawyer tells court, by Sam Levin (Guardian) (7.9.18)
- Monsanto’s Ghostwriting and Strong-arming Threaten Sound Science and Society, by Sheldon Krimsky (Environmental Health News) (6.26.18)
- Man vs. Monsanto: First Trial Over Roundup Cancer Claims Set to Begin, by Carey Gillam (EcoWatch) (6.18.18)
- Roundup litigation discovery documents: implications for public health and journal ethics, by Sheldon Krimsky and Carey Gillam (Journal of Public Health Policy) (6.8.18)
- Landmark Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid Cancer Danger of Weedkiller for Decades, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (5.22.18)
- The Monsanto Papers: Poisoning the Scientific Well, by Leemon McHenry (International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine) (5.21.18)
- L’homme de Monsanto (Le Vif/L’Express) (5.2.18)
- Risks associated with glyphosate weedkiller resurface, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Nature) (3.21.18)
- Monsanto says its pesticides are safe. Now, a court wants to see the proof, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (3.5.18)
- What the Monsanto Papers tell us about corporate science, (Corporate Europe Observatory) (3.1.18)
- Monsanto demands Avaaz hand over all of its campaign data, by Arthur Neslen (Guardian) (2.23.18)
- Monsanto Mouthpieces: House Science Committee, EPA, EU-EFSA, by Jennifer Sass (NRDC) (2.20.18)
- Spinning Science and Silencing Scientists: a case study in how the chemical industry attempts to influence science, by the minority staff of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives (2.6.18)
- Corporate Power, Not Public Interest, at Root of Upcoming House Science Committee Hearing, by Carey Gillam (Environmental Health News) (2.5.18)
- Corporate-spun science should not be guiding policy, by Carey Gillam (Undark) (11.28.2017)
- Comment Monsanto a financé des scientifiques en Europe pour défendre le glyphosate, by Aude Massiot (Liberation) (11.27.17)
- Glyphosate: révélations sur les failles de l’expertise européenne, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (11.26.17)
- Quand Monsanto qualifiait de “science pourrie” la dernière étude dédouanant le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (11.26.17)
- The Monsanto Papers, Part 2: Reaping a Bitter Harvest, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel, translated into English (Le Monde/Environmental Health News) (11.21.17)
- The Monsanto Papers, Part 1: Operation Intoxication, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel, translated into English (Le Monde/Environmental Health News) (11.20.17)
- Ackerchemikalie Glyphosat: Hat Monsanto Behörden manipuliert? by Nicolai Kwasniewski (Der Spiegel) (11.9.17)
- Monsanto Accused of Ignoring Relevant Scientific Data on Glyphosate, by Simon Marks (Politico) (11.4.17)
- How Monsanto Captured the EPA (And Twisted Science) to Keep Glyphosate on the Market, by Valerie Brown and Elizabeth Grossman (In These Times) (11.1.17)
- Monsanto Faces Blowback Over Cancer Coverup, by Philip Bethge (Der Spiegel) (10.24.17)
- Did Monsanto Ignore Evidence Linking Its Weedkiller to Cancer? By Rene Ebersole (The Nation) (10.12.17)
- ‘ Monsanto Papers werpen licht op wellicht grootste bedrijfsschandaal ooit’, by Bart Staes (Knack) (10.11.17)
- Hat Monsanto Wissenschaftler gekauft? By Annika Joeres (Zeit Online) (10.11.17)
- European Parliament hearing on the Monsanto Papers and glyphosate (10.11.17)
- EU agencies accused of cherry-picking evidence in glyphosate assessment, by Paola Tamma (Euractiv) (10.10.17)
- “Monsanto papers”: les agences sous l’influence de la firme, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (10.5.17)
- Soupçons sur les substances ajoutées au glyphosate dans les “produits formulés”, by Stéphane Horel and Stéphane Foucart (10.5.17)
- “Monsanto Papers”: des dérives inadmissibles, (Le Monde) (10.5.17)
- “Monsanto papers”: désinformation organisée autour du glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (10.4.17)
- How Monsanto Manufactured “Outrage” at Chemical Cancer Classification It Expected, by Carey Gillam(EcoWatch) (9.19.17)
- Collusion or Coincidence? Records Show EPA Efforts to Slow Herbicide Review Came in Coordination with Monsanto, by Carey Gillam(Huffington Post) (8.17.17)
- Monsanto was its own ghostwriter for some safety reviews, by Peter Waldman, Tiffany Stecker and Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg Businessweek) (8.9.17)
- Internal EPA Documents Show Scramble for Data on Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide, by Carey Gillam (8.7.17)
- The Swamp, by Evaggelos Vallianatos (Huffington Post) (8.4.17)
- Uncovered: Monsanto campaign to get Séralini study retracted, (GMWatch) (8.2.17)
- Monsanto’s sway over research is seen in disclosed emails, by Danny Hakim (New York Times) (8.1.17)
- Newly released ‘Monsanto papers’ add to questions of regulatory collusion, scientific mischief, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (8.1.17)
- Does the world’s top weedkiller cause cancer? Trump’s EPA will decide, by Peter Waldman, Lydia Mulvany, Tiffany Stecker and Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg Businessweek) (7.13.17)
- Monsanto’s foes are branching out, by Tiffany Stecker (Bloomberg BNA) (6.27.17)
- Monsanto spin doctors target cancer scientist in flawed Reuters story, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (6.16.17)
- Of mice, Monsanto and a mysterious tumor, by Carey Gillam (Environmental Health News) (6.8.17)
- FDA resumes testing foods for weed killer, safety questions grow, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (6.7.17)
- The EPA’s inspector general is probing whether an agency staffer colluded with Monsanto, by Paul Thacker (Huffington Post) (6.6.17)
- Monsanto Papers: la bataille de l’information, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (6.2.17)
- Monsanto Papers: la guerre du géant des pesticide contre la science, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (6.1.17)
- Opération intoxication: les réseaux de Monsanto, by Floriane Picard, Stéphane Horel and Elisa Bellanger (Le Monde) (6.1.17)
- Cancer expert defiant in weedkiller row, by Jerome Starkey (Times of London) (5.30.17)
- Glyphosate et cancer: des études clé ont été sous-estimées par l’expertise européenne, by Stéphane Horel and Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (5.29.17)
- EFSA dismissed glyphosate cancer study after unsupported ‘viral infection’ slur by ex-EPA official, by Claire Robinson (Ecologist) (5.25.17)
- EU declares Monsanto weedkiller safe after intervention from controversial US official, by Arthur Neslen (Guardian) (5.24.17)
- US court documents show Monsanto manager led cancer cover up for glyphosate and PCBs, (Sustainable Pulse) (5.19.17)
- Judge sides with ex-EPA employee in Monsanto cancer suit, by Tiffany Stecker and Robert Burnson (Bloomberg BNA) (5.17.17)
- Patients: Roundup gave us cancer as EPA official helped the company, by Holly Yan (CNN) (5.16.2017)
- Discussion on setting up of a special inquiry committee on the Monsanto Papers (MEPs Against Cancer) (5.9.17)
- Did Monsanto Hire Online Trolls to Attack Critics? by Chris Crowley (Grub Street) (5.8.17)
- EU Weed Killer Evidence “Written by Monsanto,” by Vincent Harmsen (EU Observer) (5.2.17)
- Monsanto Accused of Hiring Army of Trolls to Silence Online Dissent — Court Papers, (RT) (5.2.17)
- E&C Dems Urge Walden to Investigate EPA’s Permitting of Toxic Chemicals, (4.3.17)
- Inside the Academic Journal That Corporations Love, by Paul Thacker (Pacific Standard) (3.28.17)
- Split Within EPA on Glyphosate Carcinogenicity, by Jennifer Sass (NRDC) (3.28.17)
- Monsanto Knowingly Sold Human Carcinogen to Consumers (The Young Turks) (3.27.17)
- Letter on glyphosate from MEPs to European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker (3.24.17)
- Monsanto Papers: des eurodéputés veulent la révision de l’expertise du glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.24.17)
- Roundup Lawsuits Raise Doubts About EPA’s Integrity, by Matthew Renda (Courthouse News) (3.20.17)
- Ce que les “Monsanto Papers” rélèvent du Roundup, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.18.17)
- Monsanto Weed Killer Deserves Deeper Scrutiny As Scientific Manipulation Revealed, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (3.17.17)
- Les experts européens blanchissent le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.16.17)
- Unsealed Documents Raise Questions on Monsanto Weed Killer, by Danny Hakim (New York Times) (3.15.17)
- Glyphosate: discorde à l’agence de protection de l’environnement américaine, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.14.17)
- EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto “Kill” Cancer Study, by Joel Rosenblatt, Lydia Mulvany and Peter Waldman (Bloomberg) (3.14.17)
- Monsanto Accused of Ghostwriting Papers on Roundup Cancer Risk, by Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg) (3.14.17)
- Plaintiffs in U.S. Lawsuit Say Monsanto Ghostwrote Roundup Studies, by Brendan Pierson (Reuters) (3.14.17)
- Monsanto did not ghostwrite the Williams et al. (2000) glyphosate paper (Monsanto blog) (3.14.17)
- Judge Threatens to Sanction Monsanto for Secrecy in Roundup Cancer Litigation, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK)) (3.10.17)
- Monsanto Cancer Suits Turn to EPA Deputy’s “Suspicious” Role, by Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg) (2.27.17)
- Questions Raised About EPA-Monsanto Collusion Raised in Cancer Lawsuits, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (2.13.17)
- Monsanto, EPA Seek to Keep Talks About Glyphosate Cancer Review a Secret, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (1.18.17)
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